Found 2192 results
Klinger A, de Leon MJ, George AE, Miller JD, Wolf AP.  1988.  Elevated cerebellar glucose metabolism in microvascular white matter disease: normal aging and Alzheimer's disease.. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 8(3):433-5.
Reisberg B, Ferris SH, de Leon MJ, Crook T.  1988.  Global Deterioration Scale (GDS).. Psychopharmacol Bull. 24(4):661-3.
Stylopoulos LA, George AE, de Leon MJ, Miller JD, Foo SH, Hiesiger E, Wise A.  1988.  Longitudinal CT study of parenchymal brain changes in glioma survivors.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 9(3):517-22.
Ballon D, Koutcher JA.  1988.  Nuclear magnetic resonance: principles and applications to pathology.. Clin Lab Med. 8(4):737-51.
de Leon MJ, George AE, Marcus DL, Miller JD.  1988.  Positron emission tomography with the deoxyglucose technique and the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.. Neurobiol Aging. 9(1):88-90.
Kluger A, Gianutsos J, de Leon MJ, George AE.  1988.  Significance of age-related white matter lesions.. Stroke. 19(8):1054-5.
Hinton JF, Fernandez JQ, Shungu DC, Whaley WL, Koeppe RE, Millett FS.  1988.  TI-205 nuclear magnetic resonance determination of the thermodynamic parameters for the binding of monovalent cations to gramicidins A and C.. Biophys J. 54(3):527-33.
Miller JD, de Leon MJ, Ferris SH, Kluger A, George AE, Reisberg B, Sachs HJ, Wolf AP.  1987.  Abnormal temporal lobe response in Alzheimer's disease during cognitive processing as measured by 11C-2-deoxy-D-glucose and PET.. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 7(2):248-51.
Han K, Ballon D, Chui C, Mohan R.  1987.  Monte Carlo simulation of a cobalt-60 beam.. Med Phys. 14(3):414-9.
de Leon MJ, George AE, Tomanelli J, Christman D, Kluger A, Miller J, Ferris SH, Fowler J, Brodie JD, van Gelder P.  1987.  Positron emission tomography studies of normal aging: a replication of PET III and 18-FDG using PET VI and 11-CDG.. Neurobiol Aging. 8(4):319-23.
Hinton JF, Whaley WL, Shungu D, Koeppe RE, Millett FS.  1986.  Equilibrium binding constants for the group I metal cations with gramicidin-A determined by competition studies and T1+-205 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.. Biophys J. 50(3):539-44.
Hinton JF, Koeppe RE, Shungu D, Whaley WL, Paczkowski JA, Millett FS.  1986.  Equilibrium binding constants for Tl+ with gramicidins A, B and C in a lysophosphatidylcholine environment determined by 205Tl nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.. Biophys J. 49(2):571-7.
Shungu DC, Hinton JF, Koeppe RE, Millett FS.  1986.  Investigation of the interaction between thallous ions and gramicidin A in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles: a thallium-205 NMR equilibrium study.. Biochemistry. 25(20):6103-8.
George AE, de Leon MJ, Gentes CI, Miller J, London E, Budzilovich GN, Ferris S, Chase N.  1986.  Leukoencephalopathy in normal and pathologic aging: 1. CT of brain lucencies.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 7(4):561-6.
George AE, de Leon MJ, Kalnin A, Rosner L, Goodgold A, Chase N.  1986.  Leukoencephalopathy in normal and pathologic aging: 2. MRI of brain lucencies.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 7(4):567-70.
Reisberg B, Ferris SH, Shulman E, Steinberg G, Buttinger C, Sinaiko E, Borenstein J, de Leon MJ, Cohen J.  1986.  Longitudinal course of normal aging and progressive dementia of the Alzheimer's type: a prospective study of 106 subjects over a 3.6 year mean interval.. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 10(3-5):571-8.
Ballon D, Niv Y, Vajda S, Benczer-Koller N, Zamick L, Leander GA.  1986.  Magnetic moments of the (3/2)1- and (5/2)1- states in 107,109Ag.. Phys Rev C Nucl Phys. 33(4):1461-1470.
Stollman AL, George AE, Pinto RS, de Leon MJ.  1986.  Periventricular high signal lesions and signal void on magnetic resonance imaging in hydrocephalus. Diagnostic and prognostic significance.. Acta Radiol Suppl. 369:388-91.
London E, de Leon MJ, George AE, Englund E, Ferris S, Gentes C, Reisberg B.  1986.  Periventricular lucencies in the CT scans of aged and demented patients.. Biol Psychiatry. 21(10):960-2.
George AE, de Leon MJ, Miller J, Klinger A, Foo SH, Christman DL, Wolf A.  1986.  Positron emission tomography of hydrocephalus. Metabolic effects of shunt procedures.. Acta Radiol Suppl. 369:435-9.
de Leon MJ, La Regina ME, Ferris SH, Gentes CI, Miller JD.  1986.  Reduced incidence of left-handedness in clinically diagnosed dementia of the Alzheimer type.. Neurobiol Aging. 7(3):161-4.
Reisberg B, deLeon MJ, Ferris SH.  1984.  Familial nature of Alzheimer's disease? N Engl J Med. 311(20):1318-9.
de Leon MJ, George AE, Ferris SH, Christman DR, Fowler JS, Gentes CI, Brodie J, Reisberg B, Wolf AP.  1984.  Positron emission tomography and computed tomography assessments of the aging human brain.. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 8(1):88-94.
de Leon MJ, Potegal M, Gurland B.  1984.  Wandering and parietal signs in senile dementia of Alzheimer's type.. Neuropsychobiology. 11(3):155-7.
de Leon MJ, Ferris SH, George AE, Reisberg B, Christman DR, Kricheff II, Wolf AP.  1983.  Computed tomography and positron emission transaxial tomography evaluations of normal aging and Alzheimer's disease.. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 3(3):391-4.