Found 2192 results
Bobinski M, de Leon MJ, Convit A, De Santi S, Wegiel J, Tarshish CY, Louis LASaint, Wisniewski HM.  1999.  MRI of entorhinal cortex in mild Alzheimer's disease.. Lancet. 353(9146):38-40.
Convit A, McHugh P, Wolf OT, de Leon MJ, Bobinski M, De Santi S, Roche A, Tsui W.  1999.  MRI volume of the amygdala: a reliable method allowing separation from the hippocampal formation.. Psychiatry Res. 90(2):113-23.
Mahmood U, Tung CH, Bogdanov A, Weissleder R.  1999.  Near-infrared optical imaging of protease activity for tumor detection.. Radiology. 213(3):866-70.
Tung CH, Bredow S, Mahmood U, Weissleder R.  1999.  Preparation of a cathepsin D sensitive near-infrared fluorescence probe for imaging.. Bioconjug Chem. 10(5):892-6.
Durkee JW, Antich PP, Tsyganov EN, Constantinescu A, Kulkarni PV, Smith BJ, Arbique GM, Lewis MA, Nguyen T, Raheja A et al..  1998.  Analytic treatment of resolution precision in electronically collimated SPECT imaging involving multiple-interaction gamma rays.. Phys Med Biol. 43(10):2975-90.
Wang Y, Lee HM, Khilnani NM, Trost DW, Jagust MB, Winchester PA, Bush HL, Sos TA, Sostman HD.  1998.  Bolus-chase MR digital subtraction angiography in the lower extremity.. Radiology. 207(1):263-9.
Desmond DW, Moroney JT, Lynch T, Chan S, Chin SS, Shungu DC, Naini AB, Mohr JP.  1998.  CADASIL in a North American family: clinical, pathologic, and radiologic findings.. Neurology. 51(3):844-9.
Winchester PA, Lee HM, Khilnani NM, Wang Y, Trost DW, Bush HL, Sos TA.  1998.  Comparison of two-dimensional MR digital subtraction angiography of the lower extremity with x-ray angiography.. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 9(6):891-9;discussion900.
Lupien SJ, de Leon M, De Santi S, Convit A, Tarshish C, Nair NP, Thakur M, McEwen BS, Hauger RL, Meaney MJ.  1998.  Cortisol levels during human aging predict hippocampal atrophy and memory deficits.. Nat Neurosci. 1(1):69-73.
Aboagye EO, Bhujwalla ZM, Shungu DC, Glickson JD.  1998.  Detection of tumor response to chemotherapy by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: effect of 5-fluorouracil on lactate levels in radiation-induced fibrosarcoma 1 tumors.. Cancer Res. 58(5):1063-7.
Lee HM, Wang Y, Sostman HD, Schwartz LH, Khilnani NM, Trost DW, E de Arellano R, Teeger S, Bush HL.  1998.  Distal lower extremity arteries: evaluation with two-dimensional MR digital subtraction angiography.. Radiology. 207(2):505-12.
Bobinski M, Wegiel J, Tarnawski M, de Leon MJ, Reisberg B, Miller DC, Wisniewski HM.  1998.  Duration of neurofibrillary changes in the hippocampal pyramidal neurons.. Brain Res. 799(1):156-8.
Lee HM, Wang Y.  1998.  Dynamic k-space filling for bolus chase 3D MR digital subtraction angiography.. Magn Reson Med. 40(1):99-104.
Holodny AI, George AE, de Leon MJ, Golomb J, Kalnin AJ, Cooper PR.  1998.  Focal dilation and paradoxical collapse of cortical fissures and sulci in patients with normal-pressure hydrocephalus.. J Neurosurg. 89(5):742-7.
Cakmakçi H, Kovanlikaya A, Obuz F, Kovanlikaya I, Pirnar T.  1998.  Herpes encephalitis in children. MRI assessment.. Turk J Pediatr. 40(4):559-66.
Reiman EM, Uecker A, Caselli RJ, Lewis S, Bandy D, de Leon MJ, De Santi S, Convit A, Osborne D, Weaver A et al..  1998.  Hippocampal volumes in cognitively normal persons at genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease.. Ann Neurol. 44(2):288-91.
Jeitner TM, Delikatny EJ, Bartier WA, Capper HR, Hunt NH.  1998.  Inhibition of drug-naive and -resistant leukemia cell proliferation by low molecular weight thiols.. Biochem Pharmacol. 55(6):793-802.
Holodny AI, Waxman R, George AE, Rusinek H, Kalnin AJ, de Leon M.  1998.  MR differential diagnosis of normal-pressure hydrocephalus and Alzheimer disease: significance of perihippocampal fissures.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 19(5):813-9.
Bobinski M, de Leon MJ, Tarnawski M, Wegiel J, Reisberg B, Miller DC, Wisniewski HM.  1998.  Neuronal and volume loss in CA1 of the hippocampal formation uniquely predicts duration and severity of Alzheimer disease.. Brain Res. 805(1-2):267-9.
Mastrangelo AM, Jeitner TM, Eaton JW.  1998.  Oleic acid increases cell surface expression and activity of CD11b on human neutrophils.. J Immunol. 161(8):4268-75.
Holodny AI, George AE, Golomb J, de Leon MJ, Kalnin AJ.  1998.  The perihippocampal fissures: normal anatomy and disease states.. Radiographics. 18(3):653-65.
Ballon D, Jakubowski AA, Tulipano PK, Graham MC, Schneider E, Aghazadeh B, Chen QS, Koutcher JA.  1998.  Quantitative assessment of bone marrow hematopoiesis using parametric magnetic resonance imaging.. Magn Reson Med. 39(5):789-800.
Durkee JW, Antich PP, Tsyganov EN, Constantinescu A, Fernando JL, Kulkarni PV, Smith BJ, Arbique GM, Lewis MA, Nguyen T et al..  1998.  SPECT electronic collimation resolution enhancement using chi-square minimization.. Phys Med Biol. 43(10):2949-74.
Sparrow JT, Edwards V, Tung C, Logan MJ, Wadhwa MS, Duguid J, Smith LC.  1998.  Synthetic peptide-based DNA complexes for nonviral gene delivery.. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 30(1-3):115-131.
Wang Y, Lee HM, Avakian R, Winchester PA, Khilnani NM, Trost D.  1998.  Timing algorithm for bolus chase MR digital subtraction angiography.. Magn Reson Med. 39(5):691-6.