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Hategan SI, Kamer SA, Craig RG, Sinescu C, de Leon MJ, Jianu DC, Marian C, Bora BI, Dan T-F, Birdac CD et al..  2021.  Cognitive dysfunction in young subjects with periodontal disease.. Neurol Sci. 42(11):4511-4519.
Pascoal TA, Benedet AL, Ashton NJ, Kang MSu, Therriault J, Chamoun M, Savard M, Lussier FZ, Tissot C, Karikari TK et al..  2021.  Microglial activation and tau propagate jointly across Braak stages.. Nat Med. 27(9):1592-1599.
Seixas AA, Turner AD, Bubu OMichael, Jean-Louis G, de Leon MJ, Osorio RS, Glodzik L.  2021.  Obesity and Race May Explain Differential Burden of White Matter Hyperintensity Load.. Clin Interv Aging. 16:1563-1571.
Rahman A, Schelbaum E, Hoffman K, Diaz I, Hristov H, Andrews R, Jett S, Jackson H, Lee A, Sarva H et al..  2020.  Sex-driven modifiers of Alzheimer risk: A multimodality brain imaging study.. Neurology. 95(2):e166-e178.
Glodzik L, Rusinek H, Tsui W, Pirraglia E, Kim H-J, Deshpande A, Li Y, Storey P, Randall C, Chen J et al..  2019.  Different Relationship Between Systolic Blood Pressure and Cerebral Perfusion in Subjects With and Without Hypertension.. Hypertension. 73(1):197-205.
Butler T, Deshpande A, Harvey P, Li Y, Rusinek H, Pirraglia E, Osorio RS, Glodzik L, de Leon MJ, Madelin G et al..  2019.  Precisely-Measured Hydration Status Correlates with Hippocampal Volume in Healthy Older Adults.. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 27(6):653-654.
Kam K, Parekh A, Sharma RA, Andrade A, Lewin M, Castillo B, Bubu OM, Chua NJ, Miller MD, Mullins AE et al..  2019.  Sleep oscillation-specific associations with Alzheimer's disease CSF biomarkers: novel roles for sleep spindles and tau.. Mol Neurodegener. 14(1):10.
Butler T, Harvey P, Deshpande A, Tanzi E, Li Y, Tsui W, Silver C, Fischer E, Wang X, Chen J et al..  2018.  Basal forebrain septal nuclei are enlarged in healthy subjects prior to the development of Alzheimer's disease.. Neurobiol Aging. 65:201-205.
Mosconi L, Rahman A, Diaz I, Wu X, Scheyer O, Hristov HWebb, Vallabhajosula S, Isaacson RS, de Leon MJ, Brinton RDiaz.  2018.  Increased Alzheimer's risk during the menopause transition: A 3-year longitudinal brain imaging study.. PLoS One. 13(12):e0207885.
de Leon MJ, Pirraglia E, Osorio RS, Glodzik L, Saint-Louis L, Kim H-J, Fortea J, Fossati S, Laska E, Siegel C et al..  2018.  The nonlinear relationship between cerebrospinal fluid Aβ42 and tau in preclinical Alzheimer's disease.. PLoS One. 13(2):e0191240.
Sharma RA, Varga AW, Bubu OM, Pirraglia E, Kam K, Parekh A, Wohlleber M, Miller MD, Andrade A, Lewis C et al..  2018.  Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity Affects Amyloid Burden in Cognitively Normal Elderly. A Longitudinal Study.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 197(7):933-943.
Mattsson N, Groot C, Jansen WJ, Landau SM, Villemagne VL, Engelborghs S, Mintun MM, Lleó A, Molinuevo JLuis, Jagust WJ et al..  2018.  Prevalence of the apolipoprotein E ε4 allele in amyloid β positive subjects across the spectrum of Alzheimer's disease.. Alzheimers Dement. 14(7):913-924.
Chen J, Li Y, Pirraglia E, Okamura N, Rusinek H, de Leon MJ.  2018.  Quantitative evaluation of tau PET tracers F-THK5351 and F-AV-1451 in Alzheimer's disease with standardized uptake value peak-alignment (SUVP) normalization.. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 45(9):1596-1604.
de Leon MJ, Li Y, Okamura N, Tsui WH, Saint-Louis LA, Glodzik L, Osorio RS, Fortea J, Butler T, Pirraglia E et al..  2017.  Cerebrospinal Fluid Clearance in Alzheimer Disease Measured with Dynamic PET.. J Nucl Med. 58(9):1471-1476.
Spiegel J, Pirraglia E, Osorio RS, Glodzik L, Li Y, Tsui W, Louis LASaint, Randall C, Butler T, Xu J et al..  2016.  Greater specificity for cerebrospinal fluid P-tau231 over P-tau181 in the differentiation of healthy controls from Alzheimer's disease.. J Alzheimers Dis. 49(1):93-100.
Osorio RS, Ducca EL, Wohlleber ME, Tanzi EB, Gumb T, Twumasi A, Tweardy S, Lewis C, Fischer E, Koushyk V et al..  2016.  Orexin-A is Associated with Increases in Cerebrospinal Fluid Phosphorylated-Tau in Cognitively Normal Elderly Subjects.. Sleep. 39(6):1253-60.
Varga AW, Wohlleber ME, Giménez S, Romero S, Alonso JF, Ducca EL, Kam K, Lewis C, Tanzi EB, Tweardy S et al..  2016.  Reduced Slow-Wave Sleep Is Associated with High Cerebrospinal Fluid Aβ42 Levels in Cognitively Normal Elderly.. Sleep. 39(11):2041-2048.
Toledo JB, Zetterberg H, van Harten AC, Glodzik L, Martinez-Lage P, Bocchio-Chiavetto L, Rami L, Hansson O, Sperling R, Engelborghs S et al..  2015.  Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarker in cognitively normal subjects.. Brain. 138(Pt 9):2701-15.
Sampedro F, Vilaplana E, de Leon MJ, Alcolea D, Pegueroles J, Montal V, Carmona-Iragui M, Sala I, Sánchez-Saudinos M-B, Antón-Aguirre S et al..  2015.  APOE-by-sex interactions on brain structure and metabolism in healthy elderly controls.. Oncotarget. 6(29):26663-74.
Choi S-M, Kim BC, Chang J, Choi K-H, Nam T-S, Kim J-T, Lee S-H, Park M-S, Yoon W, de Leon MJ.  2015.  Comparison of the Brain Volume in Essential Tremor and Parkinson's Disease Tremor Using an Automated Segmentation Method.. Eur Neurol. 73(5-6):303-9.
Li Y, Tsui W, Rusinek H, Butler T, Mosconi L, Pirraglia E, Mozley D, Vallabhajosula S, Harada R, Furumoto S et al..  2015.  Cortical laminar binding of PET amyloid and tau tracers in Alzheimer disease.. J Nucl Med. 56(2):270-3.
Kamer AR, Pirraglia E, Tsui W, Rusinek H, Vallabhajosula S, Mosconi L, Yi L, McHugh P, Craig RG, Svetcov S et al..  2015.  Periodontal disease associates with higher brain amyloid load in normal elderly.. Neurobiol Aging. 36(2):627-33.
Osorio RS, Gumb T, Pirraglia E, Varga AW, Lu S-E, Lim J, Wohlleber ME, Ducca EL, Koushyk V, Glodzik L et al..  2015.  Sleep-disordered breathing advances cognitive decline in the elderly.. Neurology. 84(19):1964-71.
Mosconi L, Murray J, Tsui WH, Li Y, Spector N, Goldowsky A, Williams S, Osorio R, McHugh P, Glodzik L et al..  2014.  Brain imaging of cognitively normal individuals with 2 parents affected by late-onset AD.. Neurology. 82(9):752-60.
Duits FH, Teunissen CE, Bouwman FH, Visser P-J, Mattsson N, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Hansson O, Minthon L, Andreasen N et al..  2014.  The cerebrospinal fluid "Alzheimer profile": easily said, but what does it mean? Alzheimers Dement. 10(6):713-723.e2.