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Found 23 results
Zhang, Shun
[Clear All Filters]
Cho J
Nguyen TD
Huang W
Sweeney EM
Luo X
Kovanlikaya I
Zhang S
Gillen KM
Spincemaille P
Gupta A
et al.
. 2022.
Brain oxygen extraction fraction mapping in patients with multiple sclerosis.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 42(2):338-348.
Cho J
Zhang J
Spincemaille P
Zhang H
Hubertus S
Wen Y
Jafari R
Zhang S
Nguyen TD
Dimov AV
et al.
. 2022.
QQ-NET - using deep learning to solve quantitative susceptibility mapping and quantitative blood oxygen level dependent magnitude (QSM+qBOLD or QQ) based oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) mapping.
Magn Reson Med. 87(3):1583-1594.
Shen N
Zhang S
Cho J
Li S
Zhang J
Xie Y
Wang Y
Zhu W
. 2021.
Application of Cluster Analysis of Time Evolution for Magnetic Resonance Imaging -Derived Oxygen Extraction Fraction Mapping: A Promising Strategy for the Genetic Profile Prediction and Grading of Glioma.
Front Neurosci. 15:736891.
Sweeney EM
Nguyen TD
Kuceyeski A
Ryan SM
Zhang S
Zexter L
Wang Y
Gauthier SA
. 2021.
Estimation of Multiple Sclerosis lesion age on magnetic resonance imaging.
Neuroimage. 225:117451.
Gillen KM
Mubarak M
Park C
Ponath G
Zhang S
Dimov A
Levine-Ritterman M
Toro S
Huang W
Amici S
et al.
. 2021.
QSM is an imaging biomarker for chronic glial activation in multiple sclerosis lesions.
Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 8(4):877-886.
Wu D
Zhou Y
Cho J
Shen N
Li S
Qin Y
Zhang G
Yan S
Xie Y
Zhang S
et al.
. 2021.
The Spatiotemporal Evolution of MRI-Derived Oxygen Extraction Fraction and Perfusion in Ischemic Stroke.
Front Neurosci. 15:716031.
Liu Z
Wen Y
Spincemaille P
Zhang S
Yao Y
Nguyen TD
Wang Y
. 2020.
Automated adaptive preconditioner for quantitative susceptibility mapping.
Magn Reson Med. 83(1):271-285.
Cho J
Zhang S
Kee Y
Spincemaille P
Nguyen TD
Hubertus S
Gupta A
Wang Y
. 2020.
Cluster analysis of time evolution (CAT) for quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and quantitative blood oxygen level-dependent magnitude (qBOLD)-based oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO ) mapping.
Magn Reson Med. 83(3):844-857.
Zhang J
Liu Z
Zhang S
Zhang H
Spincemaille P
Nguyen TD
Sabuncu MR
Wang Y
. 2020.
Fidelity imposed network edit (FINE) for solving ill-posed image reconstruction.
Neuroimage. 211:116579.
Zhang S
Chiang GChia-Yi
Knapp JMarion
Zecca CM
He D
Ramakrishna R
Magge RS
Pisapia DJ
Fine HAlan
Tsiouris AJohn
et al.
. 2020.
Grading meningiomas utilizing multiparametric MRI with inclusion of susceptibility weighted imaging and quantitative susceptibility mapping.
J Neuroradiol. 47(4):272-277.
Zhang S
Cho J
Nguyen TD
Spincemaille P
Gupta A
Zhu W
Wang Y
. 2020.
Initial Experience of Challenge-Free MRI-Based Oxygen Extraction Fraction Mapping of Ischemic Stroke at Various Stages: Comparison With Perfusion and Diffusion Mapping.
Front Neurosci. 14:535441.
Zhang S
Liu Z
Nguyen TD
Yao Y
Gillen KM
Spincemaille P
Kovanlikaya I
Gupta A
Wang Y
. 2019.
Clinical feasibility of brain quantitative susceptibility mapping.
Magn Reson Imaging. 60:44-51.
Spincemaille P
Liu Z
Zhang S
Kovanlikaya I
Ippoliti M
Makowski M
Watts R
de Rochefort L
Venkatraman V
Desmond P
et al.
. 2019.
Clinical Integration of Automated Processing for Brain Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping: Multi-Site Reproducibility and Single-Site Robustness.
J Neuroimaging. 29(6):689-698.
Hubertus S
Thomas S
Cho J
Zhang S
Wang Y
Schad LRudi
. 2019.
Comparison of gradient echo and gradient echo sampling of spin echo sequence for the quantification of the oxygen extraction fraction from a combined quantitative susceptibility mapping and quantitative BOLD (QSM+qBOLD) approach.
Magn Reson Med. 82(4):1491-1503.
Zhang S
Chiang GChia-Yi
Magge RS
Fine HAlan
Ramakrishna R
Chang EWang
Pulisetty T
Wang Y
Zhu W
Kovanlikaya I
. 2019.
MRI based texture analysis to classify low grade gliomas into astrocytoma and 1p/19q codeleted oligodendroglioma.
Magn Reson Imaging. 57:254-258.
Kaunzner UW
Kang Y
Zhang S
Morris E
Yao Y
Pandya S
RĂșa SMHurtado
Park C
Gillen KM
Nguyen TD
et al.
. 2019.
Quantitative susceptibility mapping identifies inflammation in a subset of chronic multiple sclerosis lesions.
Brain. 142(1):133-145.
Guo Y
Liu Z
Wen Y
Spincemaille P
Zhang H
Jafari R
Zhang S
Eskreis-Winkler S
Gillen KM
Yi P
et al.
. 2019.
Quantitative susceptibility mapping of the spine using in-phase echoes to initialize inhomogeneous field and R2* for the nonconvex optimization problem of fat-water separation.
NMR Biomed. 32(11):e4156.
Zhang S
Chiang GChia-Yi
Magge RS
Fine HAlan
Ramakrishna R
Chang EWang
Pulisetty T
Wang Y
Zhu W
Kovanlikaya I
. 2019.
Texture analysis on conventional MRI images accurately predicts early malignant transformation of low-grade gliomas.
Eur Radiol. 29(6):2751-2759.
Hubertus S
Thomas S
Cho J
Zhang S
Wang Y
Schad LRudi
. 2019.
Using an artificial neural network for fast mapping of the oxygen extraction fraction with combined QSM and quantitative BOLD.
Magn Reson Med. 82(6):2199-2211.
Cho J
Kee Y
Spincemaille P
Nguyen TD
Zhang J
Gupta A
Zhang S
Wang Y
. 2018.
Cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO ) mapping by combining quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and quantitative blood oxygenation level-dependent imaging (qBOLD).
Magn Reson Med. 80(4):1595-1604.
Zhang S
Nguyen TD
Zhao Y
Gauthier SA
Wang Y
Gupta A
. 2018.
Diagnostic accuracy of semiautomatic lesion detection plus quantitative susceptibility mapping in the identification of new and enhancing multiple sclerosis lesions.
Neuroimage Clin. 18:143-148.
Ponath G
Lincoln MR
Levine-Ritterman M
Park C
Dahlawi S
Mubarak M
Sumida T
Airas L
Zhang S
Isitan C
et al.
. 2018.
Enhanced astrocyte responses are driven by a genetic risk allele associated with multiple sclerosis.
Nat Commun. 9(1):5337.
Deh K
Ponath GD
Molvi Z
Parel G-CT
Gillen KM
Zhang S
Nguyen TD
Spincemaille P
Ma Y
Gupta A
et al.
. 2018.
Magnetic susceptibility increases as diamagnetic molecules breakdown: Myelin digestion during multiple sclerosis lesion formation contributes to increase on QSM.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 48(5):1281-1287.