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Shen N, Zhang S, Cho J, Li S, Zhang J, Xie Y, Wang Y, Zhu W.  2021.  Application of Cluster Analysis of Time Evolution for Magnetic Resonance Imaging -Derived Oxygen Extraction Fraction Mapping: A Promising Strategy for the Genetic Profile Prediction and Grading of Glioma.. Front Neurosci. 15:736891.
Wu D, Zhou Y, Cho J, Shen N, Li S, Qin Y, Zhang G, Yan S, Xie Y, Zhang S et al..  2021.  The Spatiotemporal Evolution of MRI-Derived Oxygen Extraction Fraction and Perfusion in Ischemic Stroke.. Front Neurosci. 15:716031.
Zhang S, Chiang GChia-Yi, Magge RS, Fine HAlan, Ramakrishna R, Chang EWang, Pulisetty T, Wang Y, Zhu W, Kovanlikaya I.  2019.  MRI based texture analysis to classify low grade gliomas into astrocytoma and 1p/19q codeleted oligodendroglioma.. Magn Reson Imaging. 57:254-258.
Zhang S, Chiang GChia-Yi, Magge RS, Fine HAlan, Ramakrishna R, Chang EWang, Pulisetty T, Wang Y, Zhu W, Kovanlikaya I.  2019.  Texture analysis on conventional MRI images accurately predicts early malignant transformation of low-grade gliomas.. Eur Radiol. 29(6):2751-2759.
Wang Y, Spincemaille P, Liu Z, Dimov A, Deh K, Li J, Zhang Y, Yao Y, Gillen KM, Wilman AH et al..  2017.  Clinical quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM): Biometal imaging and its emerging roles in patient care.. J Magn Reson Imaging. 46(4):951-971.
Chen W, Zhang Y, Mu K, Pan C, Gauthier SA, Zhu W, Wang Y.  2017.  Quantifying the Susceptibility Variation of Normal-Appearing White Matter in Multiple Sclerosis by Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping.. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 209(4):889-894.
Zhang Y, Gauthier SA, Gupta A, Comunale J, Chiang GChia-Yi, Zhou D, Chen W, Giambrone AE, Zhu W, Wang Y.  2016.  Longitudinal change in magnetic susceptibility of new enhanced multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions measured on serial quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM).. J Magn Reson Imaging. 44(2):426-32.
Chen W, Zhu W, Kovanlikaya I, Kovanlikaya A, Liu T, Wang S, Salustri C, Wang Y.  2014.  Intracranial calcifications and hemorrhages: characterization with quantitative susceptibility mapping.. Radiology. 270(2):496-505.
Wang S, Liu T, Chen W, Spincemaille P, Wisnieff C, A Tsiouris J, Zhu W, Pan C, Zhao L, Wang Y.  2013.  Noise Effects in Various Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Methods.. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 60(12):3441-8.