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Mosconi L, Jett S, Nerattini M, Andy C, Yepez CBoneu, Zarate C, Carlton C, Kodancha V, Schelbaum E, Williams S et al..  2023.  In vivo Brain Estrogen Receptor Expression By Neuroendocrine Aging And Relationships With Gray Matter Volume, Bio-Energetics, and Clinical Symptomatology.. Res Sq.
Mosconi L, Berti V, Dyke J, Schelbaum E, Jett S, Loughlin L, Jang G, Rahman A, Hristov H, Pahlajani S et al..  2021.  Menopause impacts human brain structure, connectivity, energy metabolism, and amyloid-beta deposition.. Sci Rep. 11(1):10867.
Mosconi L, Berti V, Quinn C, McHugh P, Petrongolo G, Osorio RS, Connaughty C, Pupi A, Vallabhajosula S, Isaacson RS et al..  2018.  Correction: Perimenopause and emergence of an Alzheimer's bioenergetic phenotype in brain and periphery.. PLoS One. 13(2):e0193314.
Berti V, Walters M, Sterling J, Quinn CG, Logue M, Andrews R, Matthews DC, Osorio RS, Pupi A, Vallabhajosula S et al..  2018.  Mediterranean diet and 3-year Alzheimer brain biomarker changes in middle-aged adults.. Neurology. 90(20):e1789-e1798.
Mosconi L, Berti V, Quinn C, McHugh P, Petrongolo G, Osorio RS, Connaughty C, Pupi A, Vallabhajosula S, Isaacson RS et al..  2017.  Perimenopause and emergence of an Alzheimer's bioenergetic phenotype in brain and periphery.. PLoS One. 12(10):e0185926.
Mosconi L, Berti V, Quinn C, McHugh P, Petrongolo G, Varsavsky I, Osorio RS, Pupi A, Vallabhajosula S, Isaacson RS et al..  2017.  Sex differences in Alzheimer risk: Brain imaging of endocrine vs chronologic aging.. Neurology. 89(13):1382-1390.
Berti V, Mosconi L, Glodzik L, Li Y, Murray J, de Santi S, Pupi A, Tsui W, de Leon MJ.  2011.  Structural brain changes in normal individuals with a maternal history of Alzheimer's.. Neurobiol Aging. 32(12):2325.e17-26.
Mosconi L, Rinne JO, Tsui WH, Berti V, Li Y, Wang H, Murray J, Scheinin N, NĂ¥gren K, Williams S et al..  2010.  Increased fibrillar amyloid-{beta} burden in normal individuals with a family history of late-onset Alzheimer's.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(13):5949-54.
Mosconi L, Berti V, Swerdlow RH, Pupi A, Duara R, de Leon M.  2010.  Maternal transmission of Alzheimer's disease: prodromal metabolic phenotype and the search for genes.. Hum Genomics. 4(3):170-93.
Mosconi L, Berti V, Glodzik L, Pupi A, de Santi S, de Leon MJ.  2010.  Pre-clinical detection of Alzheimer's disease using FDG-PET, with or without amyloid imaging.. J Alzheimers Dis. 20(3):843-54.