In vivo Brain Estrogen Receptor Expression By Neuroendocrine Aging And Relationships With Gray Matter Volume, Bio-Energetics, and Clinical Symptomatology.

TitleIn vivo Brain Estrogen Receptor Expression By Neuroendocrine Aging And Relationships With Gray Matter Volume, Bio-Energetics, and Clinical Symptomatology.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsMosconi L, Jett S, Nerattini M, Andy C, Yepez CBoneu, Zarate C, Carlton C, Kodancha V, Schelbaum E, Williams S, Pahlajani S, Loeb-Zeitlin S, Havryliuk Y, Andrews R, Pupi A, Ballon D, Kelly J, Osborne J, Nehmeh S, Fink M, Berti V, Matthews D, Dyke J, Brinton RDiaz
JournalRes Sq
Date Published2023 Feb 27

17β-estradiol,the most biologically active estrogen, exerts wide-ranging effects in brain through its action on estrogen receptors (ERs), influencing higher-order cognitive function and neurobiological aging. However, our knowledge of ER expression and regulation by neuroendocrine aging in the living human brain is limited. This in vivo multi-modality neuroimaging study of healthy midlife women reveals progressively higher ER density over the menopause transition in estrogen-regulated networks. Effects were independent of age and plasma estradiol levels, and were highly consistent, correctly classifying all women as being post-menopausal or not. Higher ER density was generally associated with lower gray matter volume and blood flow, and with higher mitochondria ATP production, possibly reflecting compensatory mechanisms. Additionally, ER density predicted changes in thermoregulation, mood, cognition, and libido. Our data provide evidence that ER density impacts brainstructure, perfusion and energy production during female endocrine aging, with clinical implications for women's health.

Alternate JournalRes Sq
PubMed ID36909660
PubMed Central IDPMC10002830
Related Institute: 
MRI Research Institute (MRIRI) Molecular Imaging Innovations Institute (MI3) Brain Health Imaging Institute (BHII)

Weill Cornell Medicine
Department of Radiology
525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065