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Hategan SI, Kamer SA, Craig RG, Sinescu C, de Leon MJ, Jianu DC, Marian C, Bora BI, Dan T-F, Birdac CD et al..  2021.  Cognitive dysfunction in young subjects with periodontal disease.. Neurol Sci. 42(11):4511-4519.
Kamer AR, Pirraglia E, Tsui W, Rusinek H, Vallabhajosula S, Mosconi L, Yi L, McHugh P, Craig RG, Svetcov S et al..  2015.  Periodontal disease associates with higher brain amyloid load in normal elderly.. Neurobiol Aging. 36(2):627-33.
Kamer AR, Craig RG, Pirraglia E, Dasanayake AP, Norman RG, Boylan RJ, Nehorayoff A, Glodzik L, Brys M, de Leon MJ.  2009.  TNF-alpha and antibodies to periodontal bacteria discriminate between Alzheimer's disease patients and normal subjects.. J Neuroimmunol. 216(1-2):92-7.