MP-RAVE: IR-Prepared T1 -Weighted Radial Stack-of-Stars 3D GRE imaging with retrospective motion correction.

TitleMP-RAVE: IR-Prepared T1 -Weighted Radial Stack-of-Stars 3D GRE imaging with retrospective motion correction.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsSolomon E, Lotan E, Zan E, Sodickson DK, Block KTobias, Chandarana H
JournalMagn Reson Med
Date Published2023 Jul
KeywordsBrain, Child, Contrast Media, Humans, Imaging, Three-Dimensional, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Retrospective Studies

PURPOSE: To describe an inversion-recovery T1 -weighted radial stack-of-stars 3D gradient echo (GRE) sequence with comparable image quality to conventional MP-RAGE and to demonstrate how the radial acquisition scheme can be utilized for additional retrospective motion correction to improve robustness to head motion.

METHODS: The proposed sequence, named MP-RAVE, has been derived from a previously described radial stack-of-stars 3D GRE sequence (RAVE) and includes a 180° inversion recovery pulse that is generated once for every stack of radial views. The sequence is combined with retrospective 3D motion correction to improve robustness. The effectiveness has been evaluated in phantoms and healthy volunteers and compared to conventional MP-RAGE acquisition.

RESULTS: MP-RAGE and MP-RAVE anatomical images were rated "good" to "excellent" in overall image quality, with artifact level between "mild" and "no artifacts", and with no statistically significant difference between methods. During head motion, MP-RAVE showed higher inherent robustness with artifacts confined to local brain regions. In combination with motion correction, MP-RAVE provided noticeably improved image quality during different head motion and showed statistically significant improvement in image sharpness.

CONCLUSION: MP-RAVE provides comparable image quality and contrast to conventional MP-RAGE with improved robustness to head motion. In combination with retrospective 3D motion correction, MP-RAVE can be a useful alternative to MP-RAGE, especially in non-cooperative or pediatric patients.

Alternate JournalMagn Reson Med
PubMed ID36763847
PubMed Central IDPMC10323698
Grant ListP41 EB017183 / EB / NIBIB NIH HHS / United States
R01 EB018308 / EB / NIBIB NIH HHS / United States
R01EB018308 / NH / NIH HHS / United States
P41EB0171813 / NH / NIH HHS / United States
Related Institute: 
MRI Research Institute (MRIRI)

Weill Cornell Medicine
Department of Radiology
525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065