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Murray V, Siddiq S, Crane C, Homsi MEl, Kim T-H, Wu C, Otazo R.  2024.  Movienet: Deep space-time-coil reconstruction network without k-space data consistency for fast motion-resolved 4D MRI.. Magn Reson Med. 91(2):600-614.
Solomon E, Lotan E, Zan E, Sodickson DK, Block KTobias, Chandarana H.  2023.  MP-RAVE: IR-Prepared T1 -Weighted Radial Stack-of-Stars 3D GRE imaging with retrospective motion correction.. Magn Reson Med. 90(1):202-210.
Iwasaka-Neder J, Bixby SD, M Bedoya A, Liu E, Jarrett DY, Agahigian D, Tsai A.  2023.  Virtual 3D femur model to assess femoral version: comparison to the 2D axial slice approach.. Pediatr Radiol. 53(12):2411-2423.
Solomon E, Rigie DS, Vahle T, Paška J, Bollenbeck J, Sodickson DK, Boada FE, Block KTobias, Chandarana H.  2021.  Free-breathing radial imaging using a pilot-tone radiofrequency transmitter for detection of respiratory motion.. Magn Reson Med. 85(5):2672-2685.
Olafson ER, Jamison KW, Sweeney EM, Liu H, Wang D, Bruss JE, Boes AD, Kuceyeski A.  2021.  Functional connectome reorganization relates to post-stroke motor recovery and structural and functional disconnection.. Neuroimage. 245:118642.
Ai L, R Craddock C, Tottenham N, Dyke JP, Lim R, Colcombe S, Milham M, Franco AR.  2021.  Is it time to switch your T1W sequence? Assessing the impact of prospective motion correction on the reliability and quality of structural imaging. Neuroimage. 226:117585.
Lee H-H, Yaros K, Veraart J, Pathan JL, Liang F-X, Kim SG, Novikov DS, Fieremans E.  2019.  Along-axon diameter variation and axonal orientation dispersion revealed with 3D electron microscopy: implications for quantifying brain white matter microstructure with histology and diffusion MRI.. Brain Struct Funct. 224(4):1469-1488.
Liu J, Al'Aref SJ, Singh G, Caprio A, Moghadam AAli Amiri, Jang S-J, S Wong C, Min JK, Dunham S, Mosadegh B.  2019.  An augmented reality system for image guidance of transcatheter procedures for structural heart disease.. PLoS One. 14(7):e0219174.
Zhang S, Liu Z, Nguyen TD, Yao Y, Gillen KM, Spincemaille P, Kovanlikaya I, Gupta A, Wang Y.  2019.  Clinical feasibility of brain quantitative susceptibility mapping.. Magn Reson Imaging. 60:44-51.
Wen Y, Weinsaft JW, Nguyen TD, Liu Z, Horn EM, Singh H, Kochav J, Eskreis-Winkler S, Deh K, Kim J et al..  2019.  Free breathing three-dimensional cardiac quantitative susceptibility mapping for differential cardiac chamber blood oxygenation - initial validation in patients with cardiovascular disease inclusive of direct comparison to invasive catheterization.. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 21(1):70.
Rowe SP, Solnes LB, Yin Y, Kitchen G, Lodge MA, Karakatsanis NA, Rahmim A, Pomper MG, Leal JP.  2019.  Imager-4D: New Software for Viewing Dynamic PET Scans and Extracting Radiomic Parameters from PET Data.. J Digit Imaging. 32(6):1071-1080.
Binderup T, Duivenvoorden R, Fay F, van Leent MMT, Malkus J, Baxter S, Ishino S, Zhao Y, Sanchez-Gaytan B, Teunissen AJP et al..  2019.  Imaging-assisted nanoimmunotherapy for atherosclerosis in multiple species.. Sci Transl Med. 11(506)
Jafari R, Sheth S, Spincemaille P, Nguyen TD, Prince MR, Wen Y, Guo Y, Deh K, Liu Z, Margolis D et al..  2019.  Rapid automated liver quantitative susceptibility mapping.. J Magn Reson Imaging. 50(3):725-732.
Zhang J, Feng L, Otazo R, Kim SGene.  2019.  Rapid dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for small animals at 7T using 3D ultra-short echo time and golden-angle radial sparse parallel MRI.. Magn Reson Med. 81(1):140-152.
Qiu W, Li D, Jin X, Liu F, Nguyen TD, Prince MR, Wang Y, Spincemaille P.  2019.  Sliding motion compensated low-rank plus sparse (SMC-LS) reconstruction for high spatiotemporal free-breathing liver 4D DCE-MRI.. Magn Reson Imaging. 58:56-66.
Dimov AV, Liu Z, Spincemaille P, Prince MR, Du J, Wang Y.  2018.  Bone quantitative susceptibility mapping using a chemical species-specific R2* signal model with ultrashort and conventional echo data.. Magn Reson Med. 79(1):121-128.
Soman S, Liu Z, Kim G, Nemec U, Holdsworth SJ, Main K, Lee B, Kolakowsky-Hayner S, Selim M, Furst AJ et al..  2018.  Brain Injury Lesion Imaging Using Preconditioned Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping without Skull Stripping.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 39(4):648-653.
Cho J, Kee Y, Spincemaille P, Nguyen TD, Zhang J, Gupta A, Zhang S, Wang Y.  2018.  Cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO ) mapping by combining quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and quantitative blood oxygenation level-dependent imaging (qBOLD).. Magn Reson Med. 80(4):1595-1604.
Mosconi L, Walters M, Sterling J, Quinn C, McHugh P, Andrews RE, Matthews DC, Ganzer C, Osorio RS, Isaacson RS et al..  2018.  Lifestyle and vascular risk effects on MRI-based biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease: a cross-sectional study of middle-aged adults from the broader New York City area.. BMJ Open. 8(3):e019362.
Li J, Lin H, Liu T, Zhang Z, Prince MR, Gillen K, Yan X, Song Q, Hua T, Zhao X et al..  2018.  Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) minimizes interference from cellular pathology in R2* estimation of liver iron concentration.. J Magn Reson Imaging. 48(4):1069-1079.
Zhang J, Zhou D, Nguyen TD, Spincemaille P, Gupta A, Wang Y.  2017.  Cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO ) mapping with hyperventilation challenge using quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM).. Magn Reson Med. 77(5):1762-1773.
Heacock L, Gao Y, Heller SL, Melsaether AN, Babb JS, Block TK, Otazo R, Kim SG, Moy L.  2017.  Comparison of conventional DCE-MRI and a novel golden-angle radial multicoil compressed sensing method for the evaluation of breast lesion conspicuity.. J Magn Reson Imaging. 45(6):1746-1752.
Benkert T, Block KTobias, Heller S, Moccaldi M, Sodickson DK, Kim SGene, Moy L.  2017.  Comprehensive Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Breast With Fat/Water Separation and High Spatiotemporal Resolution Using Radial Sampling, Compressed Sensing, and Parallel Imaging.. Invest Radiol. 52(10):583-589.
Beichel RR, Smith BJ, Bauer C, Ulrich EJ, Ahmadvand P, Budzevich MM, Gillies RJ, Goldgof D, Grkovski M, Hamarneh G et al..  2017.  Multi-site quality and variability analysis of 3D FDG PET segmentations based on phantom and clinical image data.. Med Phys. 44(2):479-496.
Dong J, Chen F, Zhou D, Liu T, Yu Z, Wang Y.  2017.  Phase unwrapping with graph cuts optimization and dual decomposition acceleration for 3D high-resolution MRI data.. Magn Reson Med. 77(3):1353-1358.