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Dawd JE, Ozsahin DUzun, Ozsahin I.  2023.  DEVELOPING DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE LEVELS FOR CT EXAMINATIONS IN ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA.. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 199(3):ncac263235245-245.
Kiser K, Zhang J, Das ABharadwaj, Tranos JA, Wadghiri YZaim, Kim SGene.  2023.  Evaluation of cellular water exchange in a mouse glioma model using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI with two flip angles.. Sci Rep. 13(1):3007.
Bae J, Li C, Masurkar A, Ge Y, Kim SGene.  2023.  Improving measurement of blood-brain barrier permeability with reduced scan time using deep-learning-derived capillary input function.. Neuroimage. 278:120284.
Goins SM, Jiang H, van der Pol CB, Salameh J-P, Lam E, Adamo RG, McInnes MDF, Costa AF, Tang A, Alhasan AS et al..  2023.  Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of LR-5 in LI-RADS Version 2018 versus Revised LI-RADS for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Diagnosis.. Radiology. 309(3):e231656.
Solomon E, Lotan E, Zan E, Sodickson DK, Block KTobias, Chandarana H.  2023.  MP-RAVE: IR-Prepared T1 -Weighted Radial Stack-of-Stars 3D GRE imaging with retrospective motion correction.. Magn Reson Med. 90(1):202-210.
Hong CWilliam, Chernyak V, Choi J-Y, Lee S, Potu C, Delgado T, Wolfson T, Gamst A, Birnbaum J, Kampalath R et al..  2023.  A Multicenter Assessment of Interreader Reliability of LI-RADS Version 2018 for MRI and CT.. Radiology. 307(5):e222855.
Guernsey E, Babagbemi K.  2023.  Patient-Friendly Summary of the ACR Appropriateness Criteria®: Dyspnea-Suspected Cardiac Origin (Ischemia Already Excluded).. J Am Coll Radiol. 20(8):e33.
Motovilova E, Aronowitz E, Vincent J, Shin J, Tan ETsoon, Robb F, Taracila V, Sneag DB, Dyke JP, Winkler SAngela.  2023.  Silicone-based materials with tailored MR relaxation characteristics for use in reduced coil visibility and in tissue-mimicking phantom design.. Med Phys. 50(6):3498-3510.
Kiser K, Zhang J, Qayyum S, W Bracken C, Kim SGene.  2023.  Simultaneous estimation of the cellular water exchange rate, intracellular volume fraction, and longitudinal relaxation rate in cancer cells.. NMR Biomed. 36(7):e4914.
Das ABharadwaj, Tranos JAndrew, Zhang J, Wadghiri YZaim, Kim SGene.  2022.  Estimation of Contrast Agent Concentration in DCE-MRI Using 2 Flip Angles.. Invest Radiol. 57(5):343-351.
Bae J, Huang Z, Knoll F, Geras K, Sood TPandit, Feng L, Heacock L, Moy L, Kim SGene.  2022.  Estimation of the capillary level input function for dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of the breast using a deep learning approach.. Magn Reson Med. 87(5):2536-2550.
Zhang Q, Spincemaille P, Drotman M, Chen C, Eskreis-Winkler S, Huang W, Zhou L, Morgan J, Nguyen TD, Prince MR et al..  2022.  Quantitative transport mapping (QTM) for differentiating benign and malignant breast lesion: Comparison with traditional kinetics modeling and semi-quantitative enhancement curve characteristics.. Magn Reson Imaging. 86:86-93.
Huang W, Zhang Q, Wu G, Chen PPian, Li J, Gillen KMcCabe, Spincemaille P, Chiang GC, Gupta A, Wang Y et al..  2021.  DCE-MRI quantitative transport mapping for noninvasively detecting hypoxia inducible factor-1α, epidermal growth factor receptor overexpression, and Ki-67 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients.. Radiother Oncol. 164:146-154.
Nguyen TD, Maurer M, Weinsaft JW.  2021.  Editorial for "Reference Ranges, Diagnostic and Prognostic Utility of Native T1 Mapping and Extracellular Volume for Cardiac Amyloidosis: A Meta-analysis".. J Magn Reson Imaging. 53(5):1469-1470.
Sweeney EM, Nguyen TD, Kuceyeski A, Ryan SM, Zhang S, Zexter L, Wang Y, Gauthier SA.  2021.  Estimation of Multiple Sclerosis lesion age on magnetic resonance imaging.. Neuroimage. 225:117451.
Ryan ME, Pruthi S, Desai NK, Falcone RA, Glenn OA, Joseph MM, Maheshwari M, Marin JR, Mazzola C, Milla SS et al..  2020.  ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Head Trauma-Child.. J Am Coll Radiol. 17(5S):S125-S137.
Zhang J, Winters K, Kiser K, Baboli M, Kim SGene.  2020.  Assessment of tumor treatment response using active contrast encoding (ACE)-MRI: Comparison with conventional DCE-MRI.. PLoS One. 15(6):e0234520.
Baboli M, Winters KV, Freed M, Zhang J, Kim SGene.  2020.  Evaluation of metronomic chemotherapy response using diffusion and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI.. PLoS One. 15(11):e0241916.
Dyke JP, Xu HS, Verma A, Voss HU, J Chazen L.  2020.  MRI characterization of early CNS transport kinetics post intrathecal gadolinium injection: Trends of subarachnoid and parenchymal distribution in healthy volunteers.. Clin Imaging. 68:1-6.
Chawla S, Kim SG, Loevner LA, Wang S, Mohan S, Lin A, Poptani H.  2020.  Prediction of distant metastases in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck using DWI and DCE-MRI.. Head Neck. 42(11):3295-3306.
Deh K, Zaman M, Vedvyas Y, Liu Z, Gillen KMcCabe, Malley PO', Bedretdinova D, Nguyen T, Lee R, Spincemaille P et al..  2020.  Validation of MRI quantitative susceptibility mapping of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for hyperthermia applications in live subjects.. Sci Rep. 10(1):1171.
Zhang J, Kim SGene.  2019.  Estimation of cellular-interstitial water exchange in dynamic contrast enhanced MRI using two flip angles.. NMR Biomed. 32(11):e4135.
Lin F, Prince MR, Spincemaille P, Wang Y.  2019.  Patents on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) of Tissue Magnetism.. Recent Pat Biotechnol. 13(2):90-113.
Melsaether AN, Kim E, Mema E, Babb J, Kim SGene.  2019.  Preliminary study: Breast cancers can be well seen on 3T breast MRI with a half-dose of gadobutrol.. Clin Imaging. 58:84-89.
Zhang J, Feng L, Otazo R, Kim SGene.  2019.  Rapid dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for small animals at 7T using 3D ultra-short echo time and golden-angle radial sparse parallel MRI.. Magn Reson Med. 81(1):140-152.