Found 2192 results
Singh G, Raj A, Kressler B, Nguyen TD, Spincemaille P, Zabih R, Wang Y.  2011.  A fast Edge-preserving Bayesian reconstruction method for Parallel Imaging applications in cardiac MRI.. Magn Reson Med. 65(1):184-9.
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Kuceyeski A, Maruta J, Niogi SN, Ghajar J, Raj A.  2011.  The generation and validation of white matter connectivity importance maps.. Neuroimage. 58(1):109-21.
Jang B, Park J-Y, Tung C-H, Kim I-H, Choi Y.  2011.  Gold nanorod-photosensitizer complex for near-infrared fluorescence imaging and photodynamic/photothermal therapy in vivo.. ACS Nano. 5(2):1086-94.
Osorio RS, Pirraglia E, Agüera-Ortiz LF, During EH, Sacks H, Ayappa I, Walsleben J, Mooney A, Hussain A, Glodzik L et al..  2011.  Greater risk of Alzheimer's disease in older adults with insomnia.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 59(3):559-62.
Mosadegh B, Tavana H, Lesher-Perez SCai, Takayama S.  2011.  High-density fabrication of normally closed microfluidic valves by patterned deactivation of oxidized polydimethylsiloxane.. Lab Chip. 11(4):738-42.
Rusinek H, Brys M, Glodzik L, Switalski R, Tsui W-H, Haas F, McGorty K, Chen Q, de Leon MJ.  2011.  Hippocampal blood flow in normal aging measured with arterial spin labeling at 3T.. Magn Reson Med. 65(1):128-37.
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Chen X, Wong R, Khalidov I, Wang AY, Leelawattanachai J, Wang Y, Jin MM.  2011.  Inflamed leukocyte-mimetic nanoparticles for molecular imaging of inflammation.. Biomaterials. 32(30):7651-61.
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Sigmund EE, Cho GY, Kim S, Finn M, Moccaldi M, Jensen JH, Sodickson DK, Goldberg JD, Formenti S, Moy L.  2011.  Intravoxel incoherent motion imaging of tumor microenvironment in locally advanced breast cancer.. Magn Reson Med. 65(5):1437-47.
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Coplan JD, Abdallah CG, Mathew SJ, Shungu DC, Mao X, Smith ELP, Kaufman D, Gorman JM, Owens MJ, Nemeroff CB et al..  2011.  Metabolic syndrome and neurometabolic asymmetry of hippocampus in adult bonnet monkeys.. Physiol Behav. 103(5):535-9.
Tavana H, Mosadegh B, Zamankhan P, Grotberg JB, Takayama S.  2011.  Microprinted feeder cells guide embryonic stem cell fate.. Biotechnol Bioeng. 108(10):2509-16.
Choi S-M, Kim BC, Nam T-S, Kim J-T, Lee S-H, Park M-S, Kim M-K, de Leon MJ, Cho K-H.  2011.  Midbrain atrophy in vascular Parkinsonism.. Eur Neurol. 65(5):296-301.
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