Evaluation of cellular water exchange in a mouse glioma model using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI with two flip angles.

TitleEvaluation of cellular water exchange in a mouse glioma model using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI with two flip angles.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsKiser K, Zhang J, Das ABharadwaj, Tranos JA, Wadghiri YZaim, Kim SGene
JournalSci Rep
Date Published2023 Feb 21
KeywordsAnimals, Bevacizumab, Contrast Media, Fluorouracil, Glioma, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mice, Water

This manuscript aims to evaluate the robustness and significance of the water efflux rate constant (kio) parameter estimated using the two flip-angle Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE) MRI approach with a murine glioblastoma model at 7 T. The repeatability of contrast kinetic parameters and kio measurement was assessed by a test-retest experiment (n = 7). The association of kio with cellular metabolism was investigated through DCE-MRI and FDG-PET experiments (n = 7). Tumor response to a combination therapy of bevacizumab and fluorouracil (5FU) monitored by contrast kinetic parameters and kio (n = 10). Test-retest experiments demonstrated compartmental volume fractions (ve and vp) remained consistent between scans while the vascular functional measures (Fp and PS) and kio showed noticeable changes, most likely due to physiological changes of the tumor. The standardized uptake value (SUV) of tumors has a linear correlation with kio (R2 = 0.547), a positive correlation with Fp (R2 = 0.504), and weak correlations with ve (R2 = 0.150), vp (R2 = 0.077), PS (R2 = 0.117), Ktrans (R2 = 0.088) and whole tumor volume (R2 = 0.174). In the treatment study, the kio of the treated group was significantly lower than the control group one day after bevacizumab treatment and decreased significantly after 5FU treatment compared to the baseline. This study results support the feasibility of measuring kio using the two flip-angle DCE-MRI approach in cancer imaging.

Alternate JournalSci Rep
PubMed ID36810898
PubMed Central IDPMC9945648
Grant ListP30 CA016087 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R01CA160620 / NH / NIH HHS / United States
P41 EB017183 / EB / NIBIB NIH HHS / United States
Related Institute: 
MRI Research Institute (MRIRI)

Weill Cornell Medicine
Department of Radiology
525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065