Breath-hold three-dimensional contrast-enhanced coronary MR angiography: motion-matched k-space sampling for reducing cardiac motion effects.

TitleBreath-hold three-dimensional contrast-enhanced coronary MR angiography: motion-matched k-space sampling for reducing cardiac motion effects.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsWang Y, Winchester PA, Yu L, Watts R, Ding G, Lee HM, Bergman GW
Date Published2000 May
KeywordsAdult, Algorithms, Contrast Media, Coronary Vessels, Electrocardiography, Feasibility Studies, Female, Heart, Heart Rate, Humans, Image Enhancement, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted, Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Male, Movement, Myocardial Contraction, Observer Variation, Respiration

A view order that matches k-space sampling to cardiac motion within the acquisition window was developed for breath-hold three-dimensional contrast material-enhanced coronary magnetic resonance angiography. In vivo experiments in seven volunteers demonstrated that blurring was substantially reduced with this motion-matched view order as compared with the standard centric view order. Coronary arteries were well delineated.

Alternate JournalRadiology
PubMed ID10796945
Related Institute: 
MRI Research Institute (MRIRI)

Weill Cornell Medicine
Department of Radiology
525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065