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Filters: Author is Wang, Yi and Keyword is Prostatic Neoplasms  [Clear All Filters]
Deh K, Zaman M, Vedvyas Y, Liu Z, Gillen KMcCabe, Malley PO', Bedretdinova D, Nguyen T, Lee R, Spincemaille P et al..  2020.  Validation of MRI quantitative susceptibility mapping of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for hyperthermia applications in live subjects.. Sci Rep. 10(1):1171.
Patel N, Halpern JA, Kasabwala K, Cricco-Lizza E, Herman M, Margolis D, Xu C, Robinson BD, Wang Y, McClure T et al..  2018.  Multiple Regions of Interest on Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging are Not Associated with Increased Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer on Fusion Biopsy.. J Urol. 200(3):559-563.
Patel N, Cricco-Lizza E, Kasabwala K, Xu C, Robinson BD, Khani F, Wang Y, Margolis D, Hu JC.  2018.  The Role of Systematic and Targeted Biopsies in Light of Overlap on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ultrasound Fusion Biopsy.. Eur Urol Oncol. 1(4):263-267.