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Kratochwil C, Fendler WP, Eiber M, Hofman MS, Emmett L, Calais J, Osborne JR, Iravani A, Koo P, Lindenberg L et al..  2023.  Joint EANM/SNMMI procedure guideline for the use of 177Lu-labeled PSMA-targeted radioligand-therapy (177Lu-PSMA-RLT).. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 50(9):2830-2845.
Fendler WP, Eiber M, Beheshti M, Bomanji J, Calais J, Ceci F, Cho SY, Fanti S, Giesel FL, Goffin K et al..  2023.  PSMA PET/CT: joint EANM procedure guideline/SNMMI procedure standard for prostate cancer imaging 2.0.. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 50(5):1466-1486.