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Ozsahin I, Zhou L, Wang X, Garetti J, Jamison K, Xi K, Tanzi E, Jaywant A, Patchell A, Maloney T et al..  2024.  Diffusion Tensor Imaging Along Perivascular Spaces (DTI-ALPS) to Assess Effects of Age, Sex, and Head Size on Interstitial Fluid Dynamics in Healthy Subjects.. J Alzheimers Dis Rep. 8(1):355-361.
Butler T, Chiang GC, Niogi SNarayan, Wang XHugh, Skudin C, Tanzi E, Wickramasuriya N, Spiegel J, Maloney T, Pahlajani S et al..  2022.  Tau PET following acute TBI: Off-target binding to blood products, tauopathy, or both? Front Neuroimaging. 1
Butler T, Goldberg JD, Galvin JE, Maloney T, Ravdin L, Glodzik L, de Leon MJ, Hochman T, Bowen RL, Atwood CS.  2021.  Rationale, study design and implementation of the LUCINDA Trial: Leuprolide plus Cholinesterase Inhibition to reduce Neurologic Decline in Alzheimer's.. Contemp Clin Trials. 107:106488.