Found 3 results
Filters: Author is Pahlajani, Silky and Keyword is Aged  [Clear All Filters]
Jett S, Dyke JP, Yepez CBoneu, Zarate C, Carlton C, Schelbaum E, Jang G, Pahlajani S, Williams S, Brinton RDiaz et al..  2023.  Effects of sex and APOE ε4 genotype on brain mitochondrial high-energy phosphates in midlife individuals at risk for Alzheimer's disease: A 31Phosphorus MR spectroscopy study.. PLoS One. 18(2):e0281302.
Mosconi L, Berti V, Dyke J, Schelbaum E, Jett S, Loughlin L, Jang G, Rahman A, Hristov H, Pahlajani S et al..  2021.  Menopause impacts human brain structure, connectivity, energy metabolism, and amyloid-beta deposition.. Sci Rep. 11(1):10867.
Rahman A, Schelbaum E, Hoffman K, Diaz I, Hristov H, Andrews R, Jett S, Jackson H, Lee A, Sarva H et al..  2020.  Sex-driven modifiers of Alzheimer risk: A multimodality brain imaging study.. Neurology. 95(2):e166-e178.