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Bowen RL, Butler T, Atwood CS.  2016.  Not All Androgen Deprivation Therapies Are Created Equal: Leuprolide and the Decreased Risk of Developing Alzheimer's Disease.. J Clin Oncol. 34(23):2800.
Miskin N, Thesen T, Barr WB, Butler T, Wang X, Dugan P, Kuzniecky R, Doyle W, Devinsky O, Blackmon K.  2016.  Prefrontal lobe structural integrity and trail making test, part B: converging findings from surface-based cortical thickness and voxel-based lesion symptom analyses.. Brain Imaging Behav. 10(3):675-85.
Butler T, Li Y, Tsui W, Friedman D, Maoz A, Wang X, Harvey P, Tanzi E, Morim S, Kang Y et al..  2016.  Transient and chronic seizure-induced inflammation in human focal epilepsy.. Epilepsia. 57(9):e191-4.
Perez DL, Pan H, Weisholtz DS, Root JC, Tuescher O, Fischer DB, Butler T, Vago DR, Isenberg N, Epstein J et al..  2015.  Altered threat and safety neural processing linked to persecutory delusions in schizophrenia: a two-task fMRI study.. Psychiatry Res. 233(3):352-66.
Weisholtz DS, Root JC, Butler T, Tüscher O, Epstein J, Pan H, Protopopescu X, Goldstein M, Isenberg N, Brendel G et al..  2015.  Beyond the amygdala: Linguistic threat modulates peri-sylvian semantic access cortices.. Brain Lang. 151:12-22.
Tarasoff-Conway JM, Carare RO, Osorio RS, Glodzik L, Butler T, Fieremans E, Axel L, Rusinek H, Nicholson C, Zlokovic BV et al..  2015.  Clearance systems in the brain-implications for Alzheimer disease.. Nat Rev Neurol. 11(8):457-70.
Li Y, Tsui W, Rusinek H, Butler T, Mosconi L, Pirraglia E, Mozley D, Vallabhajosula S, Harada R, Furumoto S et al..  2015.  Cortical laminar binding of PET amyloid and tau tracers in Alzheimer disease.. J Nucl Med. 56(2):270-3.
Butler T, Zaborszky L, Pirraglia E, Li J, Wang XHugh, Li Y, Tsui W, Talos D, Devinsky O, Kuchna I et al..  2014.  Comparison of human septal nuclei MRI measurements using automated segmentation and a new manual protocol based on histology.. Neuroimage. 97:245-51.
McGill ML, Devinsky O, Wang X, Quinn BT, Pardoe H, Carlson C, Butler T, Kuzniecky R, Thesen T.  2014.  Functional neuroimaging abnormalities in idiopathic generalized epilepsy.. Neuroimage Clin. 6:455-62.
Mosconi L, Murray J, Davies M, Williams S, Pirraglia E, Spector N, Tsui WH, Li Y, Butler T, Osorio RS et al..  2014.  Nutrient intake and brain biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease in at-risk cognitively normal individuals: a cross-sectional neuroimaging pilot study.. BMJ Open. 4(6):e004850.
Butler T, Ichise M, Teich AF, Gerard E, Osborne J, French J, Devinsky O, Kuzniecky R, Gilliam F, Pervez F et al..  2013.  Imaging inflammation in a patient with epilepsy due to focal cortical dysplasia.. J Neuroimaging. 23(1):129-31.
Najjar S, Pearlman D, Devinsky O, Najjar A, Nadkarni S, Butler T, Zagzag D.  2013.  Neuropsychiatric autoimmune encephalitis without VGKC-complex, NMDAR, and GAD autoantibodies: case report and literature review.. Cogn Behav Neurol. 26(1):36-49.
Butler T, Zaborszky L, Wang X, McDonald CR, Blackmon K, Quinn BT, DuBois J, Carlson C, Barr WB, French J et al..  2013.  Septal nuclei enlargement in human temporal lobe epilepsy without mesial temporal sclerosis.. Neurology. 80(5):487-91.
Butler T, Blackmon K, McDonald CR, Carlson C, Barr WB, Devinsky O, Kuzniecky R, DuBois J, French J, Halgren E et al..  2012.  Cortical thickness abnormalities associated with depressive symptoms in temporal lobe epilepsy.. Epilepsy Behav. 23(1):64-7.
Butler T, Weisholtz D, Isenberg N, Harding E, Epstein J, Stern E, Silbersweig D.  2012.  Neuroimaging of frontal-limbic dysfunction in schizophrenia and epilepsy-related psychosis: toward a convergent neurobiology.. Epilepsy Behav. 23(2):113-22.
Butler T, Blackmon K, Zaborszky L, Wang X, DuBois J, Carlson C, Barr WB, French J, Devinsky O, Kuzniecky R et al..  2012.  Volume of the human septal forebrain region is a predictor of source memory accuracy.. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 18(1):157-61.
Tuescher O, Protopopescu X, Pan H, Cloitre M, Butler T, Goldstein M, Root JC, Engelien A, Furman D, Silverman M et al..  2011.  Differential activity of subgenual cingulate and brainstem in panic disorder and PTSD.. J Anxiety Disord. 25(2):251-7.
Epstein J, Perez DLewis, Ervin K, Pan H, Kocsis JHoward, Butler T, Stern E, Silbersweig DAlan.  2011.  Failure to segregate emotional processing from cognitive and sensorimotor processing in major depression.. Psychiatry Res. 193(3):144-50.
Butler T.  2011.  Psychogenic dystonia and peripheral trauma.. Neurology. 77(23):2071;authorreply2071-2.
Butler T.  2009.  Clozapine-induced negative myoclonus is not cataplexy.. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 21(3):345-6.
Butler T, Nadiminti L, Anthony DT.  2009.  Consciously-perceived generalized epileptiform discharges in a man with schizoaffective disorder.. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 33(8):1563-4.
Cunningham-Bussel AC, Root JC, Butler T, Tuescher O, Pan H, Epstein J, Weisholtz DS, Pavony M, Silverman ME, Goldstein MS et al..  2009.  Diurnal cortisol amplitude and fronto-limbic activity in response to stressful stimuli.. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 34(5):694-704.
Protopopescu X, Butler T, Pan H, Root J, Altemus M, Polanecsky M, McEwen B, Silbersweig D, Stern E.  2008.  Hippocampal structural changes across the menstrual cycle.. Hippocampus. 18(10):985-8.
Butler T.  2007.  Complexities in the association of human blood brain barrier disruption with seizures: importance of patient population and method of disruption.. Brain. 130(Pt 8):e77;authorreplye78.
Butler T, Imperato-McGinley J, Pan H, Voyer D, Cunningham-Bussel AChristine, Chang L, Zhu Y-S, Cordero JJ, Stern E, Silbersweig D.  2007.  Sex specificity of ventral anterior cingulate cortex suppression during a cognitive task.. Hum Brain Mapp. 28(11):1206-12.