A versatile shear and compression apparatus for mechanical stimulation of tissue culture explants.

TitleA versatile shear and compression apparatus for mechanical stimulation of tissue culture explants.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsFrank EH, Jin M, Loening AM, Levenston ME, Grodzinsky AJ
JournalJ Biomech
Date Published2000 Nov
KeywordsAnimals, Biomechanical Phenomena, Biomedical Engineering, Cartilage, Articular, Cattle, Culture Techniques, Equipment Design, Proline, Sulfates

We have developed an incubator housed, biaxial-tissue-loading device capable of applying axial deformations as small as 1 microm and sinusoidal rotations as small as 0.01 degrees. Axial resolution is 50 nm for applying sinewaves as low as 10 microm (or 1% based on a 1 mm thickness) or as large as 100 microm. Rotational resolution is 0.0005 degrees. The machine is small enough (30 cm high x 25 cm x 20 cm) to be placed in a standard incubator for long-term tissue culture loading studies. In metabolic studies described here, application of sinusoidal macroscopic shear deformation to articular cartilage explants resulted in a significant increase in the synthesis of proteoglycan and proteins (uptake of (35)S-sulfate and (3)H-proline) over controls held at the same static offset compression.

Alternate JournalJ Biomech
PubMed ID10940414
Grant ListAR33236 / AR / NIAMS NIH HHS / United States
AR45779 / AR / NIAMS NIH HHS / United States
Related Institute: 
Molecular Imaging Innovations Institute (MI3)

Weill Cornell Medicine
Department of Radiology
525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065