The relationship between psychiatric assessments and cognitive test measures in mild to moderately cognitively impaired elderly [proceedings].

TitleThe relationship between psychiatric assessments and cognitive test measures in mild to moderately cognitively impaired elderly [proceedings].
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1981
AuthorsReisberg B, Ferris SH, Schneck MK, de Leon MJ, Crook TH, Gershon S
JournalPsychopharmacol Bull
Date Published1981 Jan
KeywordsAged, Alzheimer Disease, Cognition Disorders, Dementia, Humans, Personality Assessment, Psychometrics
Alternate JournalPsychopharmacol Bull
PubMed ID7232672
Related Institute: 
Brain Health Imaging Institute (BHII)

Weill Cornell Medicine
Department of Radiology
525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065