Enhancing the Cellular Delivery of Nanoparticles using Lipo-Oligoarginine Peptides.

TitleEnhancing the Cellular Delivery of Nanoparticles using Lipo-Oligoarginine Peptides.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsLee JSam, Tung C-H
JournalAdv Funct Mater
Date Published2012 Dec 05

Nanoparticles have great potential as nanotherapeutics, delivery vectors, and molecular imaging agents due to their flexible properties. Although intracellular and nuclear delivery of nanoparticles is desirable for therapeutic applications, it remains a challenge. Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) are a powerful tool for the intracellular delivery of various cargoes. Here we report that functionalization of nanoparticles with a myristoylated oligoarginine CPP promoted cellular uptake without increased toxicity. It was evidenced that the myristoylated CPP is much more effective in transporting nanoparticles than the unmodified CPPs.

Alternate JournalAdv Funct Mater
PubMed ID23538989
PubMed Central IDPMC3607535
Grant ListR01 CA135312 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
Related Institute: 
Molecular Imaging Innovations Institute (MI3)

Weill Cornell Medicine
Department of Radiology
525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065