An Eighteen-Membered Macrocyclic Ligand for Actinium-225 Targeted Alpha Therapy.

TitleAn Eighteen-Membered Macrocyclic Ligand for Actinium-225 Targeted Alpha Therapy.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsThiele NA, Brown V, Kelly JM, Amor-Coarasa A, Jermilova U, MacMillan SN, Nikolopoulou A, Ponnala S, Ramogida CF, Robertson AKH, Rodríguez-Rodríguez C, Schaffer P, Williams C, Babich JW, Radchenko V, Wilson JJ
JournalAngew Chem Int Ed Engl
Date Published2017 11 13
KeywordsActinium, Alpha Particles, Animals, Heterografts, Humans, Ligands, Macrocyclic Compounds, Mice, Trastuzumab

The 18-membered macrocycle H macropa was investigated for Ac chelation in targeted alpha therapy (TAT). Radiolabeling studies showed that macropa, at submicromolar concentration, complexed all Ac (26 kBq) in 5 min at RT. [ Ac(macropa)] remained intact over 7 to 8 days when challenged with either excess La ions or human serum, and did not accumulate in any organ after 5 h in healthy mice. A bifunctional analogue, macropa-NCS, was conjugated to trastuzumab as well as to the prostate-specific membrane antigen-targeting compound RPS-070. Both constructs rapidly radiolabeled Ac in just minutes at RT, and macropa-Tmab retained >99 % of its Ac in human serum after 7 days. In LNCaP xenograft mice, Ac-macropa-RPS-070 was selectively targeted to tumors and did not release free Ac over 96 h. These findings establish macropa to be a highly promising ligand for Ac chelation that will facilitate the clinical development of Ac TAT for the treatment of soft-tissue metastases.

Alternate JournalAngew Chem Int Ed Engl
PubMed ID28963750
Grant ListUL1 TR002384 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States
Related Institute: 
Molecular Imaging Innovations Institute (MI3)

Weill Cornell Medicine
Department of Radiology
525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065