Efficacy of HER2-Targeted Intraperitoneal 225Ac α-Pretargeted Radioimmunotherapy for Small-Volume Ovarian Peritoneal Carcinomatosis.

TitleEfficacy of HER2-Targeted Intraperitoneal 225Ac α-Pretargeted Radioimmunotherapy for Small-Volume Ovarian Peritoneal Carcinomatosis.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsChung SK, Vargas DBurnes, Chandler CS, Katugampola S, Veach DR, McDevitt MR, Seo SH, Vaughn BA, Rinne SS, Punzalan B, Patel M, Xu H, Guo H-F, Zanzonico PB, Monette S, Yang G, Ouerfelli O, Nash GM, Cercek A, Fung EK, Howell RW, Larson SM, Cheal SM, Cheung N-KV
JournalJ Nucl Med
Date Published2023 Sep
KeywordsAnimals, Cell Line, Tumor, Humans, Mice, Mice, Nude, Peritoneal Neoplasms, Radioimmunotherapy, Radioisotopes

Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is often asymptomatic and presents clinically in an advanced stage as widespread peritoneal microscopic disease that is generally considered to be surgically incurable. Targeted α-therapy with the α-particle-emitting radionuclide 225Ac (half-life, 9.92 d) is a high-linear-energy-transfer treatment approach effective for small-volume disease and even single cells. Here, we report the use of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) 225Ac-pretargeted radioimmunotherapy (PRIT) to treat a mouse model of human EOC SKOV3 xenografts growing as peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC). Methods: On day 0, 105 SKOV3 cells transduced with a luciferase reporter gene were implanted intraperitoneally in nude mice, and tumor engraftment was verified by bioluminescent imaging (BLI). On day 15, treatment was started using 1 or 2 cycles of 3-step anti-HER2 225Ac-PRIT (37 kBq/cycle as 225Ac-Proteus DOTA), separated by a 1-wk interval. Efficacy and toxicity were monitored for up to 154 d. Results: Untreated PC-tumor-bearing nude mice showed a median survival of 112 d. We used 2 independent measures of response to evaluate the efficacy of 225Ac-PRIT. First, a greater proportion of the treated mice (9/10 1-cycle and 8/10 2-cycle; total, 17/20; 85%) survived long-term compared with controls (9/27, 33%), and significantly prolonged survival was documented (log-rank [Mantel-Cox] P = 0.0042). Second, using BLI, a significant difference in the integrated BLI signal area to 98 d was noted between controls and treated groups (P = 0.0354). Of a total of 8 mice from the 2-cycle treatment group (74 kBq total) that were evaluated by necropsy, kidney radiotoxicity was mild and did not manifest itself clinically (normal serum blood urea nitrogen and creatinine). Dosimetry estimates (relative biological effectiveness-weighted dose, where relative biological effectiveness = 5) per 37 kBq administered for tumors and kidneys were 56.9 and 16.1 Gy, respectively. One-cycle and 2-cycle treatments were equally effective. With immunohistology, mild tubular changes attributable to α-toxicity were observed in both therapeutic groups. Conclusion: Treatment of EOC PC-tumor-bearing mice with anti-HER2 225Ac-PRIT resulted in histologic cures and prolonged survival with minimal toxicity. Targeted α-therapy using the anti-HER2 225Ac-PRIT system is a potential treatment for otherwise incurable EOC.

Alternate JournalJ Nucl Med
PubMed ID37348919
PubMed Central IDPMC10478816
Grant ListP30 CA008748 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R01 CA233896 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
Related Institute: 
Molecular Imaging Innovations Institute (MI3)

Weill Cornell Medicine
Department of Radiology
525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065