Cell type- and brain structure-specific patterns of distribution of minibrain kinase in human brain.

TitleCell type- and brain structure-specific patterns of distribution of minibrain kinase in human brain.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsWegiel J, Kuchna I, Nowicki K, Frackowiak J, Dowjat K, Silverman WP, Reisberg B, DeLeon M, Wisniewski T, Adayev T, Chen-Hwang M-C, Hwang Y-W
JournalBrain Res
Date Published2004 Jun 04
KeywordsAdult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Aging, Antibodies, Astrocytes, Biomarkers, Brain, Cell Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Endocytosis, Endothelial Cells, Ependyma, Female, Humans, Infant, Male, Middle Aged, Nerve Degeneration, Neurons, Presynaptic Terminals, Protein Serine-Threonine Kinases, Protein-Tyrosine Kinases, Synaptic Transmission

The minibrain kinase (Mnb/Dyrk1A) gene is localized in the Down syndrome (DS) critical region of chromosome 21. This gene encodes a proline-directed serine/threonine protein kinase (minibrain kinase-Mnb/Dyrk1A), which is required for the proliferation of distinct neuronal cell types during postembryonic neurogenesis. To study the distribution of Mnb/Dyrk1A during human brain development and aging, we raised Mnb/Dyrk1A-specific antibody (mAb 7F3) and examined 22 brains of normal subjects from 8 months to 90 years of age. We found that neurons were the only cells showing the presence of 7F3-positive product in both cell nucleus and cytoplasm. Nuclear localization supports the concept that Mnb/Dyrk1A may be involved in control of gene expression. Synaptic localization of Mnb/Dyrk1A also supports our previous studies suggesting that Mnb/Dyrk1A is a regulator of assembly of endocytic apparatus and appears to be involved in synaptic vesicle recycling and synaptic signal transmission. Accumulation of numerous 7F3-positive corpora amylacea in the memory and motor system subdivisions in subjects older than 33 years of age indicates that Mnb/Dyrk1A is colocalized with markers of astrocyte and neuron degeneration. Differences in the topography and the amount of Mnb/Dyrk1A in neurons, astrocytes, and ependymal and endothelial cells appear to reflect cell type- and brain structure-specific patterns in trafficking and utilization of Mnb/Dyrk1A.

Alternate JournalBrain Res
PubMed ID15126119
Grant ListAG03051 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
AG08051 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
HD38295 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
P01-HD35897 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
R01 HD043960-01A1 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
Related Institute: 
Brain Health Imaging Institute (BHII)

Weill Cornell Medicine
Department of Radiology
525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065