Buckling of Elastomeric Beams Enables Actuation of Soft Machines.

TitleBuckling of Elastomeric Beams Enables Actuation of Soft Machines.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsYang D, Mosadegh B, Ainla A, Lee B, Khashai F, Suo Z, Bertoldi K, Whitesides GM
JournalAdv Mater
Date Published2015 Nov 04
KeywordsElastomers, Movement, Polymers, Pressure, Robotics

Soft, pneumatic actuators that buckle when interior pressure is less than exterior provide a new mechanism of actuation. Upon application of negative pneumatic pressure, elastic beam elements in these actuators undergo reversible, cooperative collapse, and generate a rotational motion. These actuators are inexpensive to fabricate, lightweight, easy to control, and safe to operate. They can be used in devices that manipulate objects, locomote, or interact cooperatively with humans.

Alternate JournalAdv Mater
PubMed ID26389733
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Dalio Institute of Cardiovascular Imaging (Dalio ICI)

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Department of Radiology
525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10065