The Department of Radiology is proud of the outstanding education we provide our residents in diagnostic radiology. Residents are taught by world-renowned faculty from NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, the Hospital for Special Surgery, and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and perform their rotations at these three hospitals, all conveniently located in the same neighborhood.
The curriculum for the four-year residency is tailored to provide the highest level of education and patient care. The first year (PGY-2) lays the groundwork for the basics in diagnostic radiology including rotations in neuroradiology, body imaging, and musculoskeletal radiology. The first year residents take buddy call with a senior resident from 5 P.M. to 10 P.M. less than once a week and there is an attending radiologist in-house 24/7. A summer didactic core curriculum, offered annually, ensures a comprehensive review of basics in imaging for all of the residents. During the second and third years residents are given gradually increased responsibilities in advanced imaging, interventional procedures, and emergency radiology. The residents also prepare for the first portion of their boards during this time. The fourth year is primarily dedicated to mini-fellowships. Our residents selection from formal mini-fellowships at NYPH, HSS, and MSKCC; this diversity of education with this level of excellence is unparalleled.
The clinical experience is outstanding. NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital is part of one of the largest hospital systems in the country. NewYork-Presbyterian consistently ranks as one of the top hospitals nationally in the U.S. News & World Report Honor Roll of America's Best Hospitals. NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell is a leader in patient care, medical education, and research. The Radiology Department maintains state of the art equipment including acquiring a new PET/MRI in 2014. Weill Cornell Medical College also operates a research 3T MR scanner and a PET/CT at the Citicorp Biomedical Imaging Center (CBIC) research center.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is internationally renowned as one of the foremost centers for the diagnosis, treatment, and research in neoplastic disease. Memorial's physicians and researchers are engaged in groundbreaking research to improve the health of patients with cancer. The 440-bed hospital located across the street from NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell has state of the art imaging with over 50 attending radiologists at this Center. The resident rotations provide a unique opportunity to participate in the performance of pioneering oncologic imaging studies and promising new clinical research.
The Hospital for Special Surgery is consistently rated as one of the finest centers in the world for orthopedic and rheumatologic care. Located across the street from NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell it is also connected to it by a skyway. The Sports Medicine Center is a premier facility for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of sports- related injuries.
Residents' research interests are strongly encouraged and supported. Research opportunities are available to all residents at NYPH-Weill Cornell and also at our affiliated sites. All residents must participate in at least one project during their residency. These projects are tailored to the interests of the resident and may range from basic science to public policy.
The department emphasizes a professional and collegial atmosphere among our attending staff and the residents. We believe that our residents are a critical part of our care delivery team and should be recognized as such. Through the residents’ involvement on the department’s education committee and monthly meeting with the chair, the residents’ recommendations form the basis for many of the changes we have and will continue to make to improve our residency and fellowship programs. Residents meet informally with the chair and other key leaders in the department (with lunch) once a month. The department sponsors monthly happy hours as well.
With the combination of educational, research, and clinical excellence, it is not surprising that many residents choose to stay at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center for fellowships and ultimately as attending radiologists.