Where are you from? Athens, Greece

What do you love most about living in NYC? The amazing diversity of people, the endless options of restaurants and things to do, and the liveliness of the city. There is no place like New York.

What drew you to Cornell Radiology? The diversity and quality in training offered among three of the best hospitals in the country, the focus onĀ residentĀ education and wellness, and the genuine collegiality among everyone.

What are some of your favorite hobbies outside of work? Exploring the city, cooking, hiking, weight training, tennis, playing music.

Do you have any kids/pets? I have one cat that I adopted in medical school.

Dream vacation? Spending time with my family and friends in Greece, or exploring a new part of the world - planning on Philippines as next destination!

Go-to Karaoke song? Wagon wheel

Favorite radiology sign? Yin-yang sign

Lefteri Trikantzopoulos
Third year Resident