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Alus O, Homsi MEl, Pernicka JSGolia, Rodriguez L, Mazaheri Y, Kee Y, Petkovska I, Otazo R.  2024.  Convolutional network denoising for acceleration of multi-shot diffusion MRI.. Magn Reson Imaging. 105:108-113.
Ebani EJ, Strauss S, Thomas C, RoyChoudhury A, Kaplitt MG, J Chazen L.  2023.  Cranial MRgFUS intraprocedural diffusion and T2 imaging and comparison with postablation lesion size and location.. J Neurosurg. 139(4):1190-1194.
Bartnik A, Fuchs TA, Ashton K, Kuceyeski A, Li X, Mallory M, Oship D, Bergsland N, Ramasamy D, Jakimovski D et al..  2023.  Functional alteration due to structural damage is network dependent: insight from multiple sclerosis.. Cereb Cortex. 33(10):6090-6102.
Rogers HJ, Singh S, Barnes A, Obuchowski NA, Margolis DJ, Malyarenko DI, Chenevert TL, Shukla-Dave A, Boss MA, Punwani S.  2023.  Test-retest repeatability of ADC in prostate using the multi b-Value VERDICT acquisition.. Eur J Radiol. 162:110782.
Zhang Q, Spincemaille P, Drotman M, Chen C, Eskreis-Winkler S, Huang W, Zhou L, Morgan J, Nguyen TD, Prince MR et al..  2022.  Quantitative transport mapping (QTM) for differentiating benign and malignant breast lesion: Comparison with traditional kinetics modeling and semi-quantitative enhancement curve characteristics.. Magn Reson Imaging. 86:86-93.
Lu P-J, Yoo Y, Rahmanzadeh R, Galbusera R, Weigel M, Ceccaldi P, Nguyen TD, Spincemaille P, Wang Y, Daducci A et al..  2021.  GAMER MRI: Gated-attention mechanism ranking of multi-contrast MRI in brain pathology.. Neuroimage Clin. 29:102522.
Gu Z, Jamison KWakefield, Sabuncu MRory, Kuceyeski A.  2021.  Heritability and interindividual variability of regional structure-function coupling.. Nat Commun. 12(1):4894.
Rahmanzadeh R, Lu P-J, Barakovic M, Weigel M, Maggi P, Nguyen TD, Schiavi S, Daducci A, La Rosa F, Schaedelin S et al..  2021.  Myelin and axon pathology in multiple sclerosis assessed by myelin water and multi-shell diffusion imaging.. Brain. 144(6):1684-1696.
Muckley MJ, Ades-Aron B, Papaioannou A, Lemberskiy G, Solomon E, Lui YW, Sodickson DK, Fieremans E, Novikov DS, Knoll F.  2021.  Training a neural network for Gibbs and noise removal in diffusion MRI.. Magn Reson Med. 85(1):413-428.
Solomon E, Liberman G, Nissan N, Furman-Haran E, Sklair-Levy M, Frydman L.  2020.  Diffusion-weighted breast MRI of malignancies with submillimeter resolution and immunity to artifacts by spatiotemporal encoding at 3T.. Magn Reson Med. 84(3):1391-1403.
Baboli M, Winters KV, Freed M, Zhang J, Kim SGene.  2020.  Evaluation of metronomic chemotherapy response using diffusion and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI.. PLoS One. 15(11):e0241916.
Bao Q, Liberman G, Solomon E, Frydman L.  2020.  High-resolution diffusion MRI studies of development in pregnant mice visualized by novel spatiotemporal encoding schemes.. NMR Biomed. 33(3):e4208.
Chawla S, Kim SG, Loevner LA, Wang S, Mohan S, Lin A, Poptani H.  2020.  Prediction of distant metastases in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck using DWI and DCE-MRI.. Head Neck. 42(11):3295-3306.
Lee H-H, Yaros K, Veraart J, Pathan JL, Liang F-X, Kim SG, Novikov DS, Fieremans E.  2019.  Along-axon diameter variation and axonal orientation dispersion revealed with 3D electron microscopy: implications for quantifying brain white matter microstructure with histology and diffusion MRI.. Brain Struct Funct. 224(4):1469-1488.
Park VYoungjean, Kim SG, Kim E-K, Moon HJung, Yoon JHyun, Kim MJung.  2019.  Diffusional kurtosis imaging for differentiation of additional suspicious lesions on preoperative breast MRI of patients with known breast cancer.. Magn Reson Imaging. 62:199-208.
Li C, Ye J, Peng Y, Dou W, Shang S, Wu J, Jafari R, Gillen KMcCabe, Wang Y, Prince M et al..  2019.  Evaluation of diffusion kurtosis imaging in stratification of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and early diagnosis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in a rabbit model.. Magn Reson Imaging. 63:267-273.
Cousin SF, Liberman G, Solomon E, Otikovs M, Frydman L.  2019.  A regularized reconstruction pipeline for high-definition diffusion MRI in challenging regions incorporating a per-shot image correction.. Magn Reson Med. 82(4):1322-1330.
Kim S-Y, Kim E-K, Moon HJung, Yoon JHyun, Koo JSeung, Kim SGene, Kim MJung.  2018.  Association among T2 signal intensity, necrosis, ADC and Ki-67 in estrogen receptor-positive and HER2-negative invasive ductal carcinoma.. Magn Reson Imaging. 54:176-182.
Citak-Er F, Firat Z, Kovanlikaya I, Ture U, Ozturk-Isik E.  2018.  Machine-learning in grading of gliomas based on multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging at 3T.. Comput Biol Med. 99:154-160.
Winters KV, Reynaud O, Novikov DS, Fieremans E, Kim SGene.  2018.  Quantifying myofiber integrity using diffusion MRI and random permeable barrier modeling in skeletal muscle growth and Duchenne muscular dystrophy model in mice.. Magn Reson Med. 80(5):2094-2108.
Aaron RK, Racine JR, Voisinet A, Evangelista P, Dyke JP.  2018.  Subchondral bone circulation in osteoarthritis of the human knee.. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 26(7):940-944.
Galla N, Chiang G, Chakraborty S, Singh R, A Tsiouris J, Boockvar J, Kovanlikaya I.  2017.  Apparent diffusion coefficient changes predict survival after intra-arterial bevacizumab treatment in recurrent glioblastoma.. Neuroradiology. 59(5):499-505.
Federau C, Christensen S, Zun Z, Park S-W, Ni W, Moseley M, Zaharchuk G.  2017.  Cerebral blood flow, transit time, and apparent diffusion coefficient in moyamoya disease before and after acetazolamide.. Neuroradiology. 59(1):5-12.
Eskreis-Winkler S, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Liu Z, Dimov A, Gupta A, Wang Y.  2017.  The clinical utility of QSM: disease diagnosis, medical management, and surgical planning.. NMR Biomed. 30(4)
Solomon E, Liberman G, Zhang Z, Frydman L.  2017.  Diffusion MRI measurements in challenging head and brain regions via cross-term spatiotemporally encoding.. Sci Rep. 7(1):18010.