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Lu P-J, Yoo Y, Rahmanzadeh R, Galbusera R, Weigel M, Ceccaldi P, Nguyen TD, Spincemaille P, Wang Y, Daducci A et al..  2021.  GAMER MRI: Gated-attention mechanism ranking of multi-contrast MRI in brain pathology.. Neuroimage Clin. 29:102522.
Kobayashi M, Benakis C, Anderson C, Moore MJ, Poon C, Uekawa K, Dyke JP, Fak JJ, Mele A, Park CY et al..  2019.  AGO CLIP Reveals an Activated Network for Acute Regulation of Brain Glutamate Homeostasis in Ischemic Stroke.. Cell Rep. 28(4):979-991.e6.
Chaker S, Al-Dasuqi K, Baradaran H, Demetres M, Delgado D, Nehmeh S, Osborne JR, Christos PJ, Kamel H, Gupta A.  2019.  Carotid Plaque Positron Emission Tomography Imaging and Cerebral Ischemic Disease.. Stroke. 50(8):2072-2079.
Zhang S, Liu Z, Nguyen TD, Yao Y, Gillen KM, Spincemaille P, Kovanlikaya I, Gupta A, Wang Y.  2019.  Clinical feasibility of brain quantitative susceptibility mapping.. Magn Reson Imaging. 60:44-51.
Puig J, Blasco G, Alberich-Bayarri A, Schlaug G, Deco G, Biarnes C, Navas-Martí M, Rivero M, Gich J, Figueras J et al..  2018.  Resting-State Functional Connectivity Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Outcome After Acute Stroke.. Stroke. 49(10):2353-2360.
Kuceyeski A, Navi BB, Kamel H, Raj A, Relkin N, Toglia J, Iadecola C, O'Dell M.  2016.  Structural connectome disruption at baseline predicts 6-months post-stroke outcome.. Hum Brain Mapp. 37(7):2587-601.
Kuceyeski A, Navi BB, Kamel H, Relkin N, Villanueva M, Raj A, Toglia J, O'Dell M, Iadecola C.  2015.  Exploring the brain's structural connectome: A quantitative stroke lesion-dysfunction mapping study.. Hum Brain Mapp. 36(6):2147-60.
Kuceyeski A, Kamel H, Navi BB, Raj A, Iadecola C.  2014.  Predicting future brain tissue loss from white matter connectivity disruption in ischemic stroke.. Stroke. 45(3):717-22.
Cihangiroglu M, Citci B, Kilickesmez O, Firat Z, Karlıkaya G, Uluğ AM, Bingol CA, Kovanlikaya I.  2011.  The utility of high b-value DWI in evaluation of ischemic stroke at 3T.. Eur J Radiol. 78(1):75-81.
Glodzik-Sobanska L, Li J, Mosconi L, Slowik A, Walecki J, Szczudlik A, Sobiecka B, de Leon MJ.  2007.  Prefrontal N-acetylaspartate and poststroke recovery: a longitudinal proton spectroscopy study.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 28(3):470-4.
Golomb J, Kluger A, Gianutsos J, Ferris SH, de Leon MJ, George AE.  1995.  Nonspecific leukoencephalopathy associated with aging.. Neuroimaging Clin N Am. 5(1):33-44.
Davis D, Ulatowski J, Eleff S, Izuta M, Mori S, Shungu D, van Zijl PC.  1994.  Rapid monitoring of changes in water diffusion coefficients during reversible ischemia in cat and rat brain.. Magn Reson Med. 31(4):454-60.