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Palta P, Rippon B, Tahmi M, Sherwood G, Soto L, Ceballos F, Laing K, He H, Reitz C, Razlighi Q et al..  2021.  Metabolic syndrome and its components in relation to in vivo brain amyloid and neurodegeneration in late middle age.. Neurobiol Aging. 97:89-96.
Palta P, Rippon B, Reitz C, He H, Sherwood G, Ceballos F, Teresi J, Razlighi Q, Moreno H, Brickman AM et al..  2020.   genotype and in vivo amyloid burden in middle-aged Hispanics.. Neurology. 95(15):e2086-e2094.
Rahman A, Schelbaum E, Hoffman K, Diaz I, Hristov H, Andrews R, Jett S, Jackson H, Lee A, Sarva H et al..  2020.  Sex-driven modifiers of Alzheimer risk: A multimodality brain imaging study.. Neurology. 95(2):e166-e178.
Oh H, Razlighi QR, Stern Y.  2018.  Multiple pathways of reserve simultaneously present in cognitively normal older adults.. Neurology. 90(3):e197-e205.
de Leon MJ, Li Y, Okamura N, Tsui WH, Saint-Louis LA, Glodzik L, Osorio RS, Fortea J, Butler T, Pirraglia E et al..  2017.  Cerebrospinal Fluid Clearance in Alzheimer Disease Measured with Dynamic PET.. J Nucl Med. 58(9):1471-1476.
Chiang GC, Chang E, Pandya S, Kuceyeski A, Hu J, Isaacson R, Ganzer C, Schulman A, Sobel V, Vallabhajosula S et al..  2017.  Cognitive deficits in non-demented diabetic elderly appear independent of brain amyloidosis.. J Neurol Sci. 372:85-91.
Chiang GC, Mao X, Kang G, Chang E, Pandya S, Vallabhajosula S, Isaacson R, Ravdin LD, Shungu DC.  2017.  Relationships among Cortical Glutathione Levels, Brain Amyloidosis, and Memory in Healthy Older Adults Investigated In Vivo with H-MRS and Pittsburgh Compound-B PET.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 38(6):1130-1137.
Oh H, Steffener J, Razlighi QR, Habeck C, Stern Y.  2016.  β-Amyloid Deposition Is Associated with Decreased Right Prefrontal Activation during Task Switching among Cognitively Normal Elderly.. J Neurosci. 36(6):1962-70.
Gu Y, Razlighi QR, Zahodne LB, Janicki SC, Ichise M, Manly JJ, Devanand DP, Brickman AM, Schupf N, Mayeux R et al..  2015.  Brain Amyloid Deposition and Longitudinal Cognitive Decline in Nondemented Older Subjects: Results from a Multi-Ethnic Population.. PLoS One. 10(7):e0123743.
Kamer AR, Pirraglia E, Tsui W, Rusinek H, Vallabhajosula S, Mosconi L, Yi L, McHugh P, Craig RG, Svetcov S et al..  2015.  Periodontal disease associates with higher brain amyloid load in normal elderly.. Neurobiol Aging. 36(2):627-33.
Glodzik L, Rusinek H, Li J, Zhou C, Tsui W, Mosconi L, Li Y, Osorio R, Williams S, Randall C et al..  2015.  Reduced retention of Pittsburgh compound B in white matter lesions.. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 42(1):97-102.
Glodzik L, Kuceyeski A, Rusinek H, Tsui W, Mosconi L, Li Y, Osorio RS, Williams S, Randall C, Spector N et al..  2014.  Reduced glucose uptake and Aβ in brain regions with hyperintensities in connected white matter.. Neuroimage. 100:684-691.
Mosconi L, Rinne JO, Tsui WH, Murray J, Li Y, Glodzik L, McHugh P, Williams S, Cummings M, Pirraglia E et al..  2013.  Amyloid and metabolic positron emission tomography imaging of cognitively normal adults with Alzheimer's parents.. Neurobiol Aging. 34(1):22-34.
Mosconi L, Rinne JO, Tsui WH, Berti V, Li Y, Wang H, Murray J, Scheinin N, Någren K, Williams S et al..  2010.  Increased fibrillar amyloid-{beta} burden in normal individuals with a family history of late-onset Alzheimer's.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(13):5949-54.
Li Y, Rinne JO, Mosconi L, Pirraglia E, Rusinek H, DeSanti S, Kemppainen N, Någren K, Kim B-C, Tsui W et al..  2008.  Regional analysis of FDG and PIB-PET images in normal aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease.. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 35(12):2169-81.