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Found 20 results
Multimodal Imaging
[Clear All Filters]
Karakatsanis NA
Abgral R
Trivieri MGiovanna
Dweck MR
Robson PM
Calcagno C
Boeykens G
Senders ML
Mulder WJM
Tsoumpas C
et al.
. 2020.
Hybrid PET- and MR-driven attenuation correction for enhanced F-NaF and F-FDG quantification in cardiovascular PET/MR imaging.
J Nucl Cardiol. 27(4):1126-1141.
Shah SA
Lowder RJ
Kuceyeski A
. 2020.
Quantitative multimodal imaging in traumatic brain injuries producing impaired cognition.
Curr Opin Neurol. 33(6):691-698.
Rahman A
Schelbaum E
Hoffman K
Diaz I
Hristov H
Andrews R
Jett S
Jackson H
Lee A
Sarva H
et al.
. 2020.
Sex-driven modifiers of Alzheimer risk: A multimodality brain imaging study.
Neurology. 95(2):e166-e178.
Oh J
Ontaneda D
Azevedo C
Klawiter EC
Absinta M
Arnold DL
Bakshi R
Calabresi PA
Crainiceanu C
Dewey B
et al.
. 2019.
Imaging outcome measures of neuroprotection and repair in MS: A consensus statement from NAIMS.
Neurology. 92(11):519-533.
Seligman L
Kovanlikaya I
Pisapia DJ
Naeger DM
Magge R
Fine HA
Chiang GC
. 2019.
Integrated PET-MRI for Glioma Surveillance: Perfusion-Metabolism Discordance Rate and Association With Molecular Profiling.
AJR Am J Roentgenol. 212(4):883-891.
Senders ML
Hernot S
Carlucci G
van de Voort JC
Fay F
Calcagno C
Tang J
Alaarg A
Zhao Y
Ishino S
et al.
. 2019.
Nanobody-Facilitated Multiparametric PET/MRI Phenotyping of Atherosclerosis.
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 12(10):2015-2026.
Kim E
Mema E
Axelrod D
Sigmund E
Kim SGene
Babb J
Melsaether AN
. 2019.
Preliminary analysis: Background parenchymal 18F-FDG uptake in breast cancer patients appears to correlate with background parenchymal enhancement and to vary by distance from the index cancer.
Eur J Radiol. 110:163-168.
Kundel V
Trivieri MGiovanna
Karakatsanis NA
Robson PM
Mani V
Kizer JR
Kaplan R
Fayad Z
Shah N
. 2018.
Assessment of atherosclerotic plaque activity in patients with sleep apnea using hybrid positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MRI): a feasibility study.
Sleep Breath. 22(4):1125-1135.
J Chazen L
Sarva H
Stieg PE
Min RJ
Ballon DJ
Pryor KO
Riegelhaupt PM
Kaplitt MG
. 2018.
Clinical improvement associated with targeted interruption of the cerebellothalamic tract following MR-guided focused ultrasound for essential tremor.
J Neurosurg. 129(2):315-323.
Robson PM
Trivieri MG
Karakatsanis NA
Padilla M
Abgral R
Dweck MR
Kovacic JC
Fayad ZA
. 2018.
Correction of respiratory and cardiac motion in cardiac PET/MR using MR-based motion modeling.
Phys Med Biol. 63(22):225011.
Lu D
Popuri K
Ding GWeiguang
Balachandar R
Beg MFaisal
. 2018.
Multimodal and Multiscale Deep Neural Networks for the Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease using structural MR and FDG-PET images.
Sci Rep. 8(1):5697.
Patel N
Halpern JA
Kasabwala K
Cricco-Lizza E
Herman M
Margolis D
Xu C
Robinson BD
Wang Y
McClure T
et al.
. 2018.
Multiple Regions of Interest on Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging are Not Associated with Increased Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer on Fusion Biopsy.
J Urol. 200(3):559-563.
Fox JJ
Gavane SC
Blanc-Autran E
Nehmeh S
Gönen M
Beattie B
Vargas HA
Schöder H
Humm JL
Fine SW
et al.
. 2018.
Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography-Based Assessments of Androgen Receptor Expression and Glycolytic Activity as a Prognostic Biomarker for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.
JAMA Oncol. 4(2):217-224.
Abgral R
Dweck MR
Trivieri MGiovanna
Robson PM
Karakatsanis N
Mani V
Padilla M
Miller M
Lala A
Sanz J
et al.
. 2017.
Clinical Utility of Combined FDG-PET/MR to Assess Myocardial Disease.
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 10(5):594-597.
Robson PM
Dweck MR
Trivieri MGiovanna
Abgral R
Karakatsanis NA
Contreras J
Gidwani U
Narula JP
Fuster V
Kovacic JC
et al.
. 2017.
Coronary Artery PET/MR Imaging: Feasibility, Limitations, and Solutions.
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 10(10 Pt A):1103-1112.
Mosconi L
Berti V
Quinn C
McHugh P
Petrongolo G
Varsavsky I
Osorio RS
Pupi A
Vallabhajosula S
Isaacson RS
et al.
. 2017.
Sex differences in Alzheimer risk: Brain imaging of endocrine vs chronologic aging.
Neurology. 89(13):1382-1390.
Margolis NE
Moy L
Sigmund EE
Freed M
McKellop J
Melsaether AN
Kim SGene
. 2016.
Assessment of Aggressiveness of Breast Cancer Using Simultaneous 18F-FDG-PET and DCE-MRI: Preliminary Observation.
Clin Nucl Med. 41(8):e355-61.
Kim SGene
Friedman K
Patel S
Hagiwara M
. 2016.
Potential Role of PET/MRI for Imaging Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Head and Neck Cancer.
AJR Am J Roentgenol. 207(2):248-56.
E Ryan R
Sofocleous CT
Schöder H
Carrasquillo JA
Nehmeh S
Larson SM
Thornton R
Siegelbaum RH
Erinjeri JP
Solomon SB
. 2013.
Split-dose technique for FDG PET/CT-guided percutaneous ablation: a method to facilitate lesion targeting and to provide immediate assessment of treatment effectiveness.
Radiology. 268(1):288-95.
Fox JJ
Autran-Blanc E
Morris MJ
Gavane S
Nehmeh S
Van Nuffel A
Gönen M
Schöder H
Humm JL
Scher HI
et al.
. 2011.
Practical approach for comparative analysis of multilesion molecular imaging using a semiautomated program for PET/CT.
J Nucl Med. 52(11):1727-32.