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Huang W, Zhang Q, Wu G, Chen PPian, Li J, Gillen KMcCabe, Spincemaille P, Chiang GC, Gupta A, Wang Y et al..  2021.  DCE-MRI quantitative transport mapping for noninvasively detecting hypoxia inducible factor-1α, epidermal growth factor receptor overexpression, and Ki-67 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients.. Radiother Oncol. 164:146-154.
Zhang J, Cho J, Zhou D, Nguyen TD, Spincemaille P, Gupta A, Wang Y.  2018.  Quantitative susceptibility mapping-based cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen mapping with minimum local variance.. Magn Reson Med. 79(1):172-179.
Grkovski M, Schwartz J, Gönen M, Schöder H, Lee NY, Carlin SD, Zanzonico PB, Humm JL, Nehmeh SA.  2016.  Feasibility of 18F-Fluoromisonidazole Kinetic Modeling in Head and Neck Cancer Using Shortened Acquisition Times.. J Nucl Med. 57(3):334-41.
Chan C, Jin X, Fung EK, Naganawa M, Mulnix T, Carson RE, Liu C.  2013.  Event-by-event respiratory motion correction for PET with 3D internal-1D external motion correlation.. Med Phys. 40(11):112507.
He Q, Xu RZ, Shkarin P, Pizzorno G, Lee-French CH, Rothman DL, Shungu DC, Shim H.  2003.  Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of tumor metabolic markers for cancer diagnosis, metabolic phenotyping, and characterization of tumor microenvironment.. Dis Markers. 19(2-3):69-94.
Gottfried JA, Mayer SA, Shungu DC, Chang Y, Duyn JH.  1997.  Delayed posthypoxic demyelination. Association with arylsulfatase A deficiency and lactic acidosis on proton MR spectroscopy.. Neurology. 49(5):1400-4.