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Coffey K, Berg WA, Dodelzon K, Jochelson MS, Mullen LA, Parikh JR, Hutcheson L, Grimm LJ.  2024.  Breast Radiologists' Perceptions on the Detection and Management of Invasive Lobular Carcinoma: Most Agree Imaging Beyond Mammography Is Warranted.. J Breast Imaging.
Dontchos BN, Dodelzon K, Sonnenblick E, Reig B, Coffey K, Kacharia VS, Grimm LJ.  2024.  Current Practice and Variation in Same-Day Services in Breast Imaging: A Multi-Institutional National Survey of the Society of Breast Imaging Membership.. J Breast Imaging.
Amir T, Coffey K, Sevilimedu V, Fardanesh R, Mango VL.  2023.  A role for breast ultrasound Artificial Intelligence decision support in the evaluation of small invasive lobular carcinomas.. Clin Imaging. 101:77-85.