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Chiang GC, Cho J, Dyke J, Zhang H, Zhang Q, Tokov M, Nguyen T, Kovanlikaya I, Amoashiy M, de Leon M et al..  2022.  Brain oxygen extraction and neural tissue susceptibility are associated with cognitive impairment in older individuals.. J Neuroimaging.
Ford JN, Sweeney EM, Skafida M, Glynn S, Amoashiy M, Lange DJ, Lin E, Chiang GC, Osborne JR, Pahlajani S et al..  2021.  Heuristic scoring method utilizing FDG-PET statistical parametric mapping in the evaluation of suspected Alzheimer disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration.. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 11(4):313-326.