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Ozsahin I, Zhou L, Wang X, Garetti J, Jamison K, Xi K, Tanzi E, Jaywant A, Patchell A, Maloney T et al..  2024.  Diffusion Tensor Imaging Along Perivascular Spaces (DTI-ALPS) to Assess Effects of Age, Sex, and Head Size on Interstitial Fluid Dynamics in Healthy Subjects.. J Alzheimers Dis Rep. 8(1):355-361.
Zhou L, Nguyen TD, Chiang GC, Wang XH, Xi K, Hu T-W, Tanzi EB, Butler TA, de Leon MJ, Li Y.  2024.  Parenchymal CSF fraction is a measure of brain glymphatic clearance and positively associated with amyloid beta deposition on PET.. Alzheimers Dement.
Hojjati SHani, Butler TA, Chiang GC, Habeck C, RoyChoudhury A, Feiz F, Shteingart J, Nayak S, Ozoria S, Fernández A et al..  2023.  Distinct and joint effects of low and high levels of Aβ and tau deposition on cortical thickness.. Neuroimage Clin. 38:103409.
Ozsahin I, Onakpojeruo EPrecious, Uzun B, Ozsahin DUzun, Butler TA.  2023.  A Multi-Criteria Decision Aid Tool for Radiopharmaceutical Selection in Tau PET Imaging.. Pharmaceutics. 15(4)
Zhou L, Butler TA, Wang XH, Xi K, Tanzi EB, Glodzik L, Chiang GC, de Leon MJ, Li Y.  2023.  Multimodal assessment of brain fluid clearance is associated with amyloid-beta deposition in humans.. J Neuroradiol.
Ozsahin I, Mustapha MT, Albarwary S, Sanlidag B, Ozsahin DUzun, Butler TA.  2021.  An investigation to choose the proper therapy technique in the management of autism spectrum disorder.. J Comp Eff Res. 10(5):423-437.