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Butler T.  2006.  Central and peripheral benzodiazepine receptors.. Epilepsia. 47(2):450-1.
Butler T, Stern E, Silbersweig D.  2006.  Functional neuroimaging of Tourette syndrome: advances and future directions.. Adv Neurol. 99:115-29.
Epstein J, Pan H, Kocsis JH, Yang Y, Butler T, Chusid J, Hochberg H, Murrough J, Strohmayer E, Stern E et al..  2006.  Lack of ventral striatal response to positive stimuli in depressed versus normal subjects.. Am J Psychiatry. 163(10):1784-90.
Voyer D, Butler T, Cordero J, Brake B, Silbersweig D, Stern E, Imperato-McGinley J.  2006.  The relation between computerized and paper-and-pencil mental rotation tasks: a validation study.. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 28(6):928-39.
Butler T, Imperato-McGinley J, Pan H, Voyer D, Cordero J, Zhu Y-S, Stern E, Silbersweig D.  2006.  Sex differences in mental rotation: top-down versus bottom-up processing.. Neuroimage. 32(1):445-56.
Butler T, Pan H, Epstein J, Protopopescu X, Tuescher O, Goldstein M, Cloitre M, Yang Y, Phelps E, Gorman J et al..  2005.  Fear-related activity in subgenual anterior cingulate differs between men and women.. Neuroreport. 16(11):1233-6.