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Mehta NH, Zhou L, Li Y, McIntire LBeth, Nordvig A, Butler T, de Leon M, Chiang GC.  2023.  Peripheral immune cell imbalance is associated with cortical beta-amyloid deposition and longitudinal cognitive decline.. Sci Rep. 13(1):8847.
Miranda AMiguel, Ashok A, Chan RBarry, Zhou B, Xu Y, McIntire LBeth, Area-Gomez E, Di Paolo G, Duff KE, Oliveira TGil et al..  2022.  Effects of APOE4 allelic dosage on lipidomic signatures in the entorhinal cortex of aged mice.. Transl Psychiatry. 12(1):129.
Cohn W, Melnik M, Huang C, Teter B, Chandra S, Zhu C, McIntire LBeth, John V, Gylys KH, Bilousova T.  2021.  Multi-Omics Analysis of Microglial Extracellular Vesicles From Human Alzheimer's Disease Brain Tissue Reveals Disease-Associated Signatures.. Front Pharmacol. 12:766082.
Chun YSun, Kwon O-H, Oh HGeun, Kim T-W, McIntire LBeth, Park MKyu, Chung S.  2015.  Threonine 576 residue of amyloid-β precursor protein regulates its trafficking and processing.. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 467(4):955-60.