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Found 85 results
Prince, Martin R
[Clear All Filters]
Dev H
Zhu C
Barash I
Blumenfeld JD
He X
RoyChoudhury A
Wu A
Prince MR
. 2024.
Feasibility of Water Therapy for Slowing Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Progression.
Schumacher K
Prince MR
Blumenfeld JD
Rennert H
Hu Z
Dev H
Wang Y
Dimov AV
. 2024.
Quantitative susceptibility mapping for detection of kidney stones, hemorrhage differentiation, and cyst classification in ADPKD.
Abdom Radiol (NY).
Zhu C
Dev H
Sharbatdaran A
He X
Shimonov D
Chevalier JM
Blumenfeld JD
Wang Y
Teichman K
Shih G
et al.
. 2023.
Clinical Quality Control of MRI Total Kidney Volume Measurements in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Tomography. 9(4):1341-1355.
Spincemaille P
Prince MR
. 2023.
Editorial for "An Empirical Approach to Derive Water T1 From Multiparametric MR Images Using an Automated Pipeline and Comparison With Liver Stiffness".
J Magn Reson Imaging.
Prince MR
. 2023.
Editorial for "Assessment of Complex Flow Patterns in Patients With Carotid Webs, Patients With Carotid Atherosclerosis, and Healthy Subjects using 4D Flow MRI".
J Magn Reson Imaging.
Prince MR
Laifer-Narin S
Chong J
. 2023.
Editorial for "Deep Learning of Placenta Accreta".
J Magn Reson Imaging.
Prince MR
Shaish H
. 2023.
Editorial for "Detecting Muscle Invasion of Bladder Cancer: An Application of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Ratio and Vesical Imaging-Reporting and Data System".
J Magn Reson Imaging.
Dev H
Zhu C
Sharbatdaran A
Raza SI
Wang SJ
Romano DJ
Goel A
Teichman K
Moghadam MC
Shih G
et al.
. 2023.
Effect of Averaging Measurements From Multiple MRI Pulse Sequences on Kidney Volume Reproducibility in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 58(4):1153-1160.
Colucci PG
Gao MA
Schweitzer AD
Chang EW
Riyahi S
Taya M
Lu C
Ballon D
Min RJ
Prince MR
. 2023.
A Novel Hands-on Approach Towards Teaching Diagnostic Radiology Residents MRI Scanning and Physics.
Acad Radiol. 30(5):998-1004.
Liu J
Yin X
Dev H
Luo X
Blumenfeld JD
Rennert H
Prince MR
. 2023.
Pleural Effusions on MRI in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease.
J Clin Med. 12(1)
Dimov AV
Li J
Nguyen TD
Roberts AG
Spincemaille P
Straub S
Zun Z
Prince MR
Wang Y
. 2023.
QSM Throughout the Body.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 57(6):1621-1640.
Prince MR
Weiss E
Blumenfeld JD
. 2023.
Size Matters: How to Characterize ADPKD Severity by Measuring Total Kidney Volume.
J Clin Med. 12(18)
He X
Hu Z
Dev H
Romano DJ
Sharbatdaran A
Raza SI
Wang SJ
Teichman K
Shih G
Chevalier JM
et al.
. 2023.
Test Retest Reproducibility of Organ Volume Measurements in ADPKD Using 3D Multimodality Deep Learning.
Acad Radiol.
Xie H
Zhuang H
Guo Y
Sharma RD
Zhang Q
Li J
Lu S
Xu L
Chan Q
Yoneda T
et al.
. 2022.
The appearance of magnetic susceptibility objects in SWI phase depends on object size: Comparison with QSM and CT.
Clin Imaging. 82:67-72.
Li C
Romano D
Wang SJ
Zhang H
Prince MR
Wang Y
. 2022.
IRIS-Intelligent Rapid Interactive Segmentation for Measuring Liver Cyst Volumes in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Tomography. 8(1):447-456.
Zhang Q
Spincemaille P
Drotman M
Chen C
Eskreis-Winkler S
Huang W
Zhou L
Morgan J
Nguyen TD
Prince MR
et al.
. 2022.
Quantitative transport mapping (QTM) for differentiating benign and malignant breast lesion: Comparison with traditional kinetics modeling and semi-quantitative enhancement curve characteristics.
Magn Reson Imaging. 86:86-93.
Jafari R
Spincemaille P
Zhang J
Nguyen TD
Luo X
Cho J
Margolis D
Prince MR
Wang Y
. 2021.
Deep neural network for water/fat separation: Supervised training, unsupervised training, and no training.
Magn Reson Med. 85(4):2263-2277.
Jafari R
Hectors SJ
de González AKKoehne
Spincemaille P
Prince MR
Brittenham GM
Wang Y
. 2021.
Integrated quantitative susceptibility and R * mapping for evaluation of liver fibrosis: An ex vivo feasibility study.
NMR Biomed. 34(1):e4412.
Eskreis-Winkler S
Simon K
Reichman M
Spincemaille P
Nguyen TD
Christos PJ
Drotman M
Prince MR
Pinker K
Sutton EJ
et al.
. 2021.
Multispectral Imaging for Metallic Biopsy Marker Detection During MRI-Guided Breast Biopsy: A Feasibility Study for Clinical Translation.
Front Oncol. 11:605014.
Zhou L
Zhang Q
Spincemaille P
Nguyen TD
Morgan J
Dai W
Li Y
Gupta A
Prince MR
Wang Y
. 2021.
Quantitative transport mapping (QTM) of the kidney with an approximate microvascular network.
Magn Reson Med. 85(4):2247-2262.
Eskreis-Winkler S
Simon K
Reichman M
Spincemaille P
Nguyen T
Kee Y
Cho J
Christos PJ
Drotman M
Prince MR
et al.
. 2020.
Dipole modeling of multispectral signal for detecting metallic biopsy markers during MRI-guided breast biopsy: a pilot study.
Magn Reson Med. 83(4):1380-1389.
Wang Y
Prince MR
. 2020.
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Is Superior to T1-weighted Imaging for Detecting and Measuring Gadolinium.
Radiology. 297(1):151-153.
Wen Y
Weinsaft JW
Nguyen TD
Liu Z
Horn EM
Singh H
Kochav J
Eskreis-Winkler S
Deh K
Kim J
et al.
. 2019.
Free breathing three-dimensional cardiac quantitative susceptibility mapping for differential cardiac chamber blood oxygenation - initial validation in patients with cardiovascular disease inclusive of direct comparison to invasive catheterization.
J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 21(1):70.
Lin F
Prince MR
Spincemaille P
Wang Y
. 2019.
Patents on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) of Tissue Magnetism.
Recent Pat Biotechnol. 13(2):90-113.
Jafari R
Sheth S
Spincemaille P
Nguyen TD
Prince MR
Wen Y
Guo Y
Deh K
Liu Z
Margolis D
et al.
. 2019.
Rapid automated liver quantitative susceptibility mapping.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 50(3):725-732.
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