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Guo Y, Chen Y, Zhang X, Mei Y, Yi P, Wang Y, Feng Q, La Tegola L, Guglielmi G, Zhang X et al..  2019.  Magnetic Susceptibility and Fat Content in the Lumbar Spine of Postmenopausal Women With Varying Bone Mineral Density.. J Magn Reson Imaging. 49(4):1020-1028.
Guo Y, Liu Z, Wen Y, Spincemaille P, Zhang H, Jafari R, Zhang S, Eskreis-Winkler S, Gillen KM, Yi P et al..  2019.  Quantitative susceptibility mapping of the spine using in-phase echoes to initialize inhomogeneous field and R2* for the nonconvex optimization problem of fat-water separation.. NMR Biomed. 32(11):e4156.