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Jacobs T, Jacobson SR, Fortea J, Berger JS, Vedvyas A, Marsh K, He T, Gutierrez-Jimenez E, Fillmore NR, Bubu OM et al..  2024.  The neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio associates with markers of Alzheimer's disease pathology in cognitively unimpaired elderly people.. Res Sq.
Reisberg B, Torossian C, Shulman MB, Monteiro I, Boksay I, Golomb J, Benarous FGuillo, Ulysse A, Oo T, Vedvyas A et al..  2019.  Two Year Outcomes, Cognitive and Behavioral Markers of Decline in Healthy, Cognitively Normal Older Persons with Global Deterioration Scale Stage 2 (Subjective Cognitive Decline with Impairment).. J Alzheimers Dis. 67(2):685-705.
Reisberg B, Prichep L, Mosconi L, E John R, Glodzik-Sobanska L, Boksay I, Monteiro I, Torossian C, Vedvyas A, Ashraf N et al..  2008.  The pre-mild cognitive impairment, subjective cognitive impairment stage of Alzheimer's disease.. Alzheimers Dement. 4(1 Suppl 1):S98-S108.