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Reisberg B, Torossian C, Shulman MB, Monteiro I, Boksay I, Golomb J, Benarous FGuillo, Ulysse A, Oo T, Vedvyas A et al..  2019.  Two Year Outcomes, Cognitive and Behavioral Markers of Decline in Healthy, Cognitively Normal Older Persons with Global Deterioration Scale Stage 2 (Subjective Cognitive Decline with Impairment).. J Alzheimers Dis. 67(2):685-705.
Reisberg B, Prichep L, Mosconi L, E John R, Glodzik-Sobanska L, Boksay I, Monteiro I, Torossian C, Vedvyas A, Ashraf N et al..  2008.  The pre-mild cognitive impairment, subjective cognitive impairment stage of Alzheimer's disease.. Alzheimers Dement. 4(1 Suppl 1):S98-S108.